First Day of Spring

This year, our spring equinox has fallen on today’s date, March 20th, 2019. Today marks the first day of spring, and for those who don’t know, on the March Equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial…

Softball’s First Win

Last night, John Champe Knights Varsity Softball took on the Stonewall Jackson Raiders at an away game. It was an incredible game with a 17-3 win. Freshman Harlow Nigh, one of the pitchers for Champe…

Christ Church Shooting

On March 15th, in Christchurch, New Zealand, two consecutive terrorist attacks occured, killing over 50 people while they were praying. In light of these events, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has promised to cover…

Houston Chemical Fire

A fire began on Sunday at a petrochemical storage site in Deer Park, Texas, which is near Houston. The fire started after a leak from a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture ignited and spread to other…

March Madness

With the start of March comes March Madness. Everyone is gearing up for the season as they start creating their brackets. As of right now, most games don’t start until tomorrow, and others start Friday….

Wizards Come to Champe

Last Thursday Champe hosted the Harlem Wizards basketball game. Teachers from different schools located in Aldie came together to play against the Harlem Wizard’s basketball team to raise money for Champe’s athletic boosters. The money…

Dozens Charged in Alleged College Cheating Scam

Actresses Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman, along with dozens of other parents, coaches, and college prep executives, have been accused of a national conspiracy of helping students get into prestigious colleges. Apparently the scheme had…

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