A Rainy Win

The girls varsity field hockey team won yet another game against Loudoun Valley this past Thursday. Our knights got a 2-0 lead in the first half. The game went back and forth tying it up 3-3 in the second half. The girls continued to fight, earning several corners (advantages) and two more goals, thus winning 5-3.

This is the girls’ third win of the season. Goalie, Sarah Hite, successfully cleared many attempted goals from the opposing team. Sophomores, Sayda Coleman, Emily Hipes, and Sarah Kim scored goals, as well as senior Julianna Ghally.  The team has claimed the rain is their good luck charm. Every time they do well in a game it has rained.

“It was a hard game but I knew from the start we would come out on top,” said Hite. “We ALWAYS play good in the rain. Straight facts.”

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