The sexual assault allegations about the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been dominating the headlines for the past month. The first to make these claims was Dr. Christine Ford, who alleged that Judge Kavanaugh nearly raped her at a party back in high school. While she had not filed a report to the authorities at that times, she has shared her story with many of her friends and her husband.
In fact, only about 31% of the times do the victims of sexual assault report what happened to the police, according to Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN). When asked why they didn’t go to the police, 20% of the victims replied they were afraid of retaliation, 13% said they believed police wouldn’t do anything, and another 13% said they simply thought the event was personal. Less than 1% of total rapists, as a result, actually end up in prison. Kavanaugh, perhaps, is one of those who walked out free.
“Reporting a crime to law enforcement is an individual decision,” the RAINN website wrote. “It may not be an easy decision to make, but it’s a choice that may have a positive impact on your recovery.”
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Um so I’m totally not the guy that wrote this article and I think this article is like amazing. So great. I’d give it a pulitzer.