Schedule Change

Champe high school has been online for quite awhile now due to the pandemic, but they are beginning to change around their schedules in order to benefit students.

Many students and parents were a little surprised by the AABB schedule that was created in the beginning of the year because of how different it was from previous years. Many kids and teachers began using this schedule, but it created a struggle for many of the students because of the heavy workload that is given by Loudon county schools. Students were struggling with the fact that they would get homework or a test assigned the day before it would be due, which made students extremely stressed out. After much evaluation and meetings with parents Champe has decided to switch back on November 9th, 2020 to a ABAB schedule in order to help both students and teachers during this stressful school year.

How to Schedule IGTV Videos from Your Desktop in 9 Steps

Photo Courtesy of Hootsuite Blog and Orchid ADHD

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