Trump Rally Fined Amidst COVID Pandemic

photo credit: nytimes

The host of Donald Trump’s Nevada rally this past Sunday will be fined for $3000 as a result of disregarding Nevada’s state guidelines for large gatherings. Images from the event depict large crowds and cramped spaces, with the only clear openings being around Donald Trump and his team.

“People should be able to gather peacefully under the First Amendment,” campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh said to The New York Times.

Despite their indignation at the fine, there has been a surge in COVID cases that correlates to the location of Trump’s rallies. For example, after the rally that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there has been a surge in COVID cases in the area, with more than 500 cases that were linked in some way to the gathering. However, the administration did not seem concerned about the link to the rally.

“It’s the decision of individuals whether to go,” press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in response.

photo credit: nytimes

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