Mr. Champe

Mr. Champe is an all boys pageant that is hosted by DECA for the whole school, and it is right around the corner.

The all boys pageant show, Mr. Champe, is a fundraiser event that is being hosted by John Champe’s DECA team. In this pageant show boys from our school will be apart of a pageant, and compete for first place. The Mr. Champe pageant show will be rescheduled due to our marvelous snow days, so make sure to keep an eye out for that date if you are interested in watching boys from John Champe compete in a pageant show. Also if you are planning to attend tickets will be sold for $2 to help the DECA team raise money for their club.

Image result for john champe deca

Photo courtesy of John Champe DECA twitter (

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