Job For a Day

Photo Credit: South Loudoun Basketball

On Wednesday the 13th and Monday the 18th students from Loudoun County schools who signed up for jobs in the “Job For a Day” program are finally going to be able to shadow someone who has their dream job.

Last month students from Champe, and many other Loudoun County schools in Virginia were able to join the “Job For a Day” program by signing up for their dream job. This Wednesday and upcoming Monday students will finally be able to preform, and truly see if the job they dream of doing in the future is actually what they want to do for the rest of their lives. This program not only helps students with college, but it also helps students make a decision about what career they will want to pursue in the future. The “Job For a Day” program is a great opportunity for juniors and seniors who are in high school because it will help these students figure out what they will want to do in the future.

“I can’t wait and I’m so excited to experience my choice and see how a day in the future might look like” junior Ber Hamam said.

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Photo courtesy of LCPS News Twitter account

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