Cold Season

It’s that time of the year again; the beginning of fall season brings along all different kinds of  illnesses and viruses from all the germs that are being spread around.

During the beginning of the school year is when most people get sick because of all the germs being spread around by your classmates, and the cold fall weather beginning to take surface. The best way to avoid getting sick is to make sure you always wash your hands, and use hand sanitizer. Also, if you are sick cover your coughs, and preferably do not come to school so that you won’t spread your “sickness” to the people around you. When you are sick there are many at home remedies, and medicines that you can take to help you recover. Some of these are tea, cold medicine, drink juice to help your immune system, etc. Make sure that this year you stay healthy by keeping yourself clean, and germ free.

“Whenever I get sick I drink tea, and get as much rest as I can,” junior Emma Bryan-Wilson said. “I also stay home, and eat homemade chicken noodle soup.”

Photo Courtesy of “Sick Fever GIF”

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