Remembering 9/11

On September 11, 2001, two hijacked planes hit the twin towers in New York and one hit the Pentagon in Washington DC. Today, we remember those who lost their lives and those who were heroes, running into the towers to help others, knowing their fate. It started out as a normal day for most people. People went to work as they normally would, kids went to school, and some were just waking up to get breakfast. This all changed at 8:46am when flight 11, with 5 hijackers aboard, flew into the north tower between floors 93 and 99. Then, at 9:03am, flight 175, with 5 hijackers aboard as well, flew into the south tower. Both towers fell soon after being hit, collapsing down to the ground, killing 2,977, and injuring many more.

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The Pentagon was hit by flight 77 at 9:37am, causing a massive fire that made 5 stories collapse. 343 firefighters were killed in the terrorist attack, trying to rescue others.Something that is not well known is that there was a fourth hijacked plane that was planned to crash somewhere, but after hearing about the other planes, the passengers counterattacked the hijackers. This caused the plane to crash into a field in Pennsylvania, still killing many people, but not as much as it would have.

To this day, we still remember and honor those who died on 9/11 and those who went into the towers, knowing they would not make it out alive. There is a museum and memorial built in New York and it has all the names of those who died in the attack.

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