Minnesota Cop Accidentally Pulls Gun Instead of Taser

Photo Courtesy: https://www.insider.com/police-are-trained-to-know-difference-between-taser-and-gun-2021-4?amp

Twenty year old Daunte Wright died on Monday due to a police officer accidentally shooting him. In her bodycam footage you can hear her warn Wright she is about to deploy her taser, but the warning was followed by a gunshot. The officer, Kimberly Potter, claimed she did not realize she had pulled her gun. The body cam also captures her shocked reaction when she said “Holy, I think I shot him.” Officers tasers and firearms do have key differences to help this exact incident from happening, but both weapons are shaped the same and activated by a trigger. The main two responses to this tragic event are rage and some sort of understanding. When an officer is in danger they have fractions of a second to take action and your brain doesn’t process as it normally would; this incident is not the first of its kind either, which makes the claim of an accident more believable. On the other hand police officers are supposed to have ample training on their weapons. Potter has been placed on administrative leave as of now, but many argue that is not enough.



Photo Courtesy: https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/12/us/confuse-gun-for-taser/index.html

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