Pro-Trump Group Plans Protest in D.C.

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Nearly 5,000 people are projected to participate in a pro-Trump rally this Saturday in Washington D.C. The Electoral College votes are going to be officially cast next Monday, which is why there is major backlash from Trump supporters in the country who are obsessed with the idea of alleged voter fraud in the presidential election. The Women for America First, which is a group of conservative women, organized the “Stop the Steal” rally that happened last month, and have filed for another protest permit from the National Park Service.

The argument that there has been voter fraud has been circulating even before the elections. However, at this point, it does seem like it’s just an excuse for Trump supporters to deny the election results. Biden has won in more than enough states to win the election, so the constant back and forth of whether or not the results have any validity to them is useless.

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