How COVID Has Opened Opportunities for the Ice Cream Industry

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This year has been something else. Our nation has gone through so much, and when people are going through hard times they tend to want to treat themselves. One of the most common forms of indulgence is ice cream. As the pandemic has progressed ice cream sales have as well, and it makes sense. So many people seek comfort in food, especially in America. This is a major victory for ice cream companies for a couple of obvious reasons, but one of the biggest triumphs the ice cream industry has had isn’t what you would expect. That victory is that the sale of ice cream has been high all year, even in the cooler months. This is something that ice cream companies have been working toward for years and this pandemic seems to have been the answer. Since a lot less people are out and about a nice bowl of ice cream by the fire might just be the new holiday tradition.

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