Millions of people all around the world are prepping for a very different Halloween this year. Many are unsure if Trick or Treating will still be allowed as the risk of COVID-19 virus is very high and rapidly increasing. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control have identified Trick-or-Treating as high risk activity and recommends families look into safer alternatives.
The Virginia Department of Health has published a list of low risk activities including a Halloween scavenger hunt, a virtual costume contest or carving pumpkins — either with your household or in a socially distanced way with friends. If you do decide to go trick-or-treating, the VDH has published recommendations on how to minimize exposure to others. It cautions against visiting multiple neighborhoods or going door to door. Instead, visit homes that have candy placed outside in individually wrapped bags. You should also bring hand sanitizer and wear a mask the whole time. The CDC emphasized that costume masks are not effective. You and your child should wear a normal cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose. We encourage everyone to be safe and have a happy Halloween!
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