Journalist Walter Robinson Talks with LCPS Journalism Students

On Wednesday, former Boston Globe Journalist Walter Robinson participated in a Q&A hosted by the Dominion High School Press (DHS Press). The DHS Press invited the JCHS Newspaper to the online event as well.

Robinson played a key role as the Spotlight editor of the Boston Globe which investigated the Roman Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandal. Robinson answered questions  including why he became a journalist, his role in the breakthrough Roman Catholic Church abuse scandal, and his advice in chasing an important story. His advice for the student journalists included “find the truth, report it” and “dig deeper”.

His team’s heroic acts in uncovering the scandal shook the United States and the World, leading to a film inspired by the true events of the investigated journalism that uncovered the story. The film “Spotlight” was nominated for six Academy Awards in 2016, and won two including Best Picture.

Image Credit: The Boston Globe

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