Rhianna uses religious texts as sound track for lingerie show

Rhianna is getting massive amounts of hate over her using an Islamic Hadith, which is a very sacred text for muslims, as the sound track for her fashion show that displays her new line of lingerie.

After it surfaced on social media that Rhianna had used an Islamic Hadith as the choice of “music” to play in the background of her fashion show, which displayed her new line of lingerie, she has been getting slammed by everyone on all social media platforms. The celebrity who is known for being an activist has been shamed left and right by people who thought that she was someone who was sensitive enough to know that what she had done was something very wrong and disrespectful. The Muslim community, especially the ones who were fans of Rhianna, are very disappointed in the celebrity’s choice and thought that she would know better. Rhianna has come out with an apology to the Muslim community stating that she should have done more research, and she takes full responsibility for the mistake; however, the Muslim community believes that they should get more respect and people should become more educated about their religion so that problems like these can be avoided.

Rihanna Called Out for Using Remix-Track Containing Hadith on 'Kiamat' at Her Lingerie Fashion Show

Photo Credit: Juice and WTX News

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