October 2019

Magic Moment

John Champe High School created a Magic Moment to single out athletes or coaches who have done something to help their community. Champe High School is all about giving back to the community by helping…

Marching Bands First Competition

The John Champe Marching Knight’s first competition for marching band this season is on Saturday, September 4th at the Maryland Naval Academy. They will compete against fellow 6A bands throughout the state. This year they…

California Signs Bill to Pay College Athletes

On Monday, California passed a state law that allows college athletes to begin earning money from endorsements starting in the year 2023. For many people, this is very enticing but for others it doesn’t make…

Piglet, the blind and deaf puppy

Piglet has inspired many people who are blind and deaf. His owner rescued him from an overcrowded hording situation of 37 of his relatives. Since then, he has become a model for kids who share…

Spooky Season

“Spooky Season” has officially started because today is October 1st which means in 30 days it will be Halloween, so get your costumes and scary faces ready. October 1st marks the first day of “Spooky…

Homecoming Spirit Days

This week the John Champe SCA released the 2019 homecoming week spirit day themes to help students prepare for homecoming week October 7-11. This year’s spirit days include hot and cold day, squad day, meme/vine/TikTok…

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