Apple’s New iPhones

Apple has just released their new iPhone’s last week on September 10, 2019, and smartphone users could not be more excited about this new iPhone.

The new iPhones that Apple has just released are known as the iPhone 11, iPhone 11, and iPhone 11 pro max. These three new smartphones have everyone excited because of there interesting colors, and new features. Even though these iPhone are not very different from the previous iPhone X that Apple came out with does not mean that people are not waiting in line to purchase their own iPhone 11.  The launch of these new and improved iPhone 11, iPhone 11 pro, and iPhone 11 pro max’s has gotten people’s attention because of the cool new features, and colors that they come in.

“The new iPhones are pretty cool,” junior Emma Bryan-Wilson said,”but that does not mean that they are anything special because of how similar they are to the last phones that Apple released.”



Photo courtesy of Apple

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