Hong Kong Responds to Protestors

Photo Courtesy of CNN

Hong Kong leader, Carrie Lam, formally announced the withdrawal of the extradition bill. Also known as the, ‘Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill,’ this bill has sparked nearly three months of social unrest in Hong Kong. After the protests started turning violent, the government needed to act. Originally, Lam had not planned to follow any of the five main demands of the protestors. However, after seeing how gruesome the protests had become, she decided to remove the bill.

“If Carrie Lam had withdrawn the bill two months ago, it would have been a quick fix,” one protester said at a press conference following Lam’s announcement in an article for CNN. “We have one demand down and four to go. We won’t settle for less.”

The people of Hong Kong are still unhappy. With only one out of their five demands being met, citizens are more annoyed and many people think that the situation will only get worse. Had Lam gone through with at least two of the demands then maybe protestors would have calmed down.

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