Lori Lightfoot Elected Chicago Mayor

Photo Courtesy of NBC Chicago

Lori Lightfoot was elected as Chicago’s new mayor. What sets her apart from mayors from the past is who she is. She will become Chicago’s first black woman and the first openly gay person to hold the mayoral position. Lightfoot was a former federal prosecutor and held many government positions in Chicago, most known for her work as former President of the Chicago Police Board and chair of the Chicago Police Accountability Task Force.

“We may be strangers but in this room, in this city we are all neighbors,” said Lightfoot.

Lightfoot wants Chicago to become a ‘city reborn.’ In order to do that, she believe that a path must be made in which, “fairness and inclusion are our guiding principles.” She pledges to combat political corruption in an area divided by race and class, and end the many violences that are plaguing many Chicago communities.  In addition to that, Lightfoot wants to work on the taxes and fees that are hurting the middle and low income families in Chicago. She would also like to help reestablish the neighborhood schools and change the education policy so that teachers, principals, school staff, and parents are view as valued partners.


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