Spring Sports Limited to One Hour

Because of this cold weather, all Spring Sports have been limited to one hour. According to tctife weather today, it will be 30 degrees at the highest, which is merely two degrees below freezing. It is also a bit windy, which makes the weather a lot colder than what the actual temperature is. So because of this, not only will Spring Sports practices be shortened, but but some practices will be taking place indoors.

Here is the schedule:

Softball – Main gym…..4:15-5:15pm

Baseball – Main gym…..5:15-6:15pm

Girls Soccer – No practice

Boys Soccer – Main gym…..8:15-9:15pm

Boys Lacrosse – Main gym…..7:15-8:15pm

Girls Lacrosse – Main gym…..6:15-7:15pm

Girls and Boys tennis – no practice

Track & Field – ?????

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