The Woods Kind of Betrayal

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Earlier this week, cheating allegations arose against Tristan Thompson, two-year boyfriend of Khloe Kardashian and father of their daughter True. These allegations stated that Thompson was cheating on his girlfriend with Jordyn Woods, long-time friend of the Kardashian family, notable only for being Kylie Kardashian’s former best friend.

“Kylie is extremely upset about everything that is going on with Khloe and her best friend, Jordyn,” said an unknown source to ET News. “Jordyn is a sister to Kylie, and she’s extremely shocked this could happen, as is the whole family.”

Reactions to this betrayal have been varied. For one, Kylie Kardashian apparently kicked Woods out of her house, and made Woods live with her own family. Additionally, Kardashian slashed the price of her Woods-inspired lip kit entitled “Jordy” to half of its original price. The lip kit has since then been sold out. Many fans still await the reactions of the rest of the family, but they can be assured that it will be iconic.

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