Teens Confront Native American Man

Photo Courtesy of The Resurgent

This past weekend, social media went into a frenzy when a video of a teenage boy, Nick Sandmann, wearing a MAGA hat stood in front of a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, who was singing. From the video, people automatically thought that Sandmann was the one who started the issue due to his smug appearance and the fact that he was surrounded by many people in MAGA hats as well. However, a newer video surfaced showing that a group of African Americans shouting racist slurs at them. The teenagers responded by singing their school chants and songs. According to Sandmann, Phillips and group of Native Americans joined in and said things like, “Go back to Europe.” Phillips approaching him, banging his drum and came within inches of his face. Sandmann said he did not provoke anyone and was respectful.

“There was that moment when I realized I’ve put myself between beast and prey, ’’ Phillips said.

Phillips describes the teenagers as beasts and the African American individual as prey. He was frightened when teenagers around him responded with “Go back to your reservation” and “Build a wall”. There is an ongoing investigation on what exactly happen, but for now the Catholic school has apologized and is working with students to figure out the whole story.

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