8 Killed in Attack in Gaza, Israel

Palestinians look at wreckage of car destroyed in Israeli air strike in Khan Younis (12/11/18)

During a covert mission by the Israeli forces, 8 people were killed. The Israeli military traveled south of Gaza where a gun battle was started. This was also followed by aircraft strikes and tank invasions. The six Palestinians killed were part of the Islamic militia called Hamas. The seventh man killed was also a Palestinian, but was from the militant Popular Resistance Committees. The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, cut his visit short to France for the anniversary of the end of World War I, and traveled back to Israel. The Israeli forces did not disclose why they killed one of the leaders of the Hamas, but said they wanted to “strengthen the Israeli security.” The Israeli Military and the Hamas have quite the violent history for decades upon decades, and so far, there seems to be no end to the unrest in the broken nation of Israel.


Image courtesy of bbc.com

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