Ethiopia Elects Its First Female President

President Sahle-Work Zewde

President Sahle-Work Zewde (Photo Credit: Evening Standard)

The Ethiopian parliament voted unanimously on Thursday to make Sahle-Work Zewde the nation’s new president, making her the first female to become president in Ethiopia’s history. While the president is a highly ceremonial figure in Ethiopia, and the true power lies with the prime minister, the election of President Zewde has great symbolic significance.

“In a patriarchal society such as ours, the appointment of a female head of state not only sets the standard for the future but also normalizes women as decision makers in public life,” tweeted Fitsum Arega, Prime Minister Ahmed’s Chief of Staff.

This comes only a week after Prime Minister Ahmed reshuffled his cabinet and filled half of it with women, a historic step forward for women’s rights in Ethiopia.

“The absence of peace victimizes firstly women,” said President Sahle-Work in her inaugural address, “so during my tenure I will emphasize women’s roles in ensuring peace and the dividends of peace for women.”

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