Young People Don’t Want to Vote

The 2018 Midterm Elections are less than a month away, but voting-age students at Champe don’t seem particularly excited.

“I have no motivation to vote,” said senior Brian Loughran, who said he was going to stay home on election day. “I know it’s my civic duty, but I don’t want to go through all the hassle: registering, going to the polling center, all that.”  Loughran also told his classmates, “I’m not voting. It’s not like one vote is going to matter.”

This phenomenon is not limited to Champe. According to an opinion poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic back in June, only 28% of Americans aged 18-29 were absolutely certain they would vote in the 2018 Midterms, while that number was 74% for those aged 65 and older. Many experts believe this will be a major factor in the election results.

“In 2012, it was the young voters who helped make the difference,” said Steve Benen, a producer at MSNBC, in his blog. “If… Americans under 30 stay on the sidelines, the likelihood of a ‘blue wave’ will probably be a wipeout.”

Midterms 2018

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1 Comment on "Young People Don’t Want to Vote"

  1. Everyone! Vote in November!

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