
Greece has always been a place that I want to visit. In the future I hope to travel along the Greek Isle on either a cruise or on a private tour. Greece would be an amazing and an unreal trip to experience. I am so interested in the environment and the culture there. As you may be able to tell I love the beach and I would be so ecstatic to take a trip to Greece.

I have seen so many pictures and videos of the places that I would like to visit. Many youtubers post videos of their trips and it looks absolutely amazing!

The islands in Greece that I would like to visit are Santorini, Mykonos,  Oia, and many more. I would also like to visit Athens and a couple places more inland. On the trip I would take tours to learn more about the history of Greece. Particularly I would visit the Parthenon, The Acropolis, and The Temple of Poseidon.

I would love to Visit greece and I hope to do so in the future!

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