Comp Weekend!

Since my first competition it has been a couple weeks. At the next competition we are competing all of our group dances though and also my solo. We have been practicing so much for this competition. I am pretty excited yet nervous for this competition. I do not want to mess up the turn combinations in my group dances. I just want everything to go smoothly. I also really want my solo to do well at this competition. I have seen the rest of the girls on my teams solo’s and they really look so amazing especially this one girl on my team. My biggest competition is a few other girls on my team but mainly her. I have been working on my solo really hard and hopefully I am able to do well with it on Sunday. The one thing I am looking most forward to is just hanging out with my dance friends since I love being around them so much. I am maybe staying in a hotel room with my friend Mia for the night on Saturday and I would love to since it would be so much fun to get ready together and also there is a Waffle House near the hotel and also a pool in the hotel. Overall, I am really looking forward for this competition weekend and I hope everything goes well and just like planned. Wish me luck!

Image result for Starbound dance competition

It’s Solo Time

I few weeks ago I had my friend dance competition. It was an optional competition so hardly anyone was going and was just competing my solo. I was so nervous and honestly I wanted to walk out on stage and do every dance move perfectly. Before I went on stage my dance teacher was backstage with me and gave me a hug and said, “No matter what happens out on that stage I will always be proud of you.” This made me happy as I know he really does care so much about me. I was still so nervous though. When it was finally my turn to go on stage I felt at peace though. I kind of messed up on quite a bit of things though. When I got of stage though I did not know what to think, I was not sure if I was happy about my performance or mad with it. My solo teacher seemed pleased though. My parents were so proud of me but it seems like they always are. At award I was nervous I really wanted to do well. I got eighth place which was an okay placing but I just really wanted to do better and get a higher placing. I wanted to show how hard I had worked so hard on that solo. I just felt defeated.