Tag Archives: Elephant

100 Word Challenge 4/16

Hey Everyone! This is the 100 word challenge for this week and we had to somehow use these five words in our blog post: violin, purple, elephant, happy and painted. I hope you like it.

I had just gotten home from violin practice and I tripped over something on the way upstairs. I looked down to see what it was and it was my brother’s. “Hey why would you do that?” My brother screamed. “What it’s just some painting of a happy elephant that you left on the floor so it’s not my fault.” “I was gonna paint it purple” he said, he ran towards me with his painting and smashed it over my head. Suddenly, we heard a noise come from the kitchen, we went there and we saw a big happy purple elephant. 

Thank you so much for reading this, feel free to leave a comment saying what one word you would change of the ones we had to use for this weeks challenge. Also, don’t forget to leave a link to your blog so that I can stop by. -Bella