Category Archives: All About Me

One Little Word

Hey Everyone! Ready to hear what my one little word is for the year of 2021 and why I chose it. Maybe you’ll even come up with a word for your 2021.

My whole class and I was assigned a project where we had to pick one specific word that will help us through the year of 2021 and give us something to repeatedly think about. I don’t really see this as a school assignment because it feels like something we all should be doing every year, especially through these tough times. I have thought long and hard about what I want my one little word to be for 2021 and I have found one that I think well give me a good base for a good 2021. Okay, time for the big reveal……my one little word for the year of 2021 is positivity. I have chosen the word positivity because it can mean almost anything I want it to or need it to at a specific moment and one of my overall goals in life is to stay positive. If I am having a bad day I can stay positive or I can just try my best to think positive things about what’s to come. Staying positive is probably something we all need to do more of. Studies have shown that people who are more positive tend to live longer and handle stress and different challenges. Go HERE to learn more cool facts about positive people.

Of course there are many more reasons why I chose the word positivity to be my one little word for the year of 2021 but let’s talk a little but about how this word will inspire me and motivate me to reach some of my goals for 2021, we might even talk about what some of my goals are. My one little word, Positivity will help inspire and motivate me because if I am having a bad day or bad week and I am feeling bad about it I can remember to try and stay positive and it will help me be more productive or even just not be sad. For example, I play on a travel softball team and one of my goals for 2021 is to practice softball more and get better. My word positivity can help me with this goal because one night if I am tired and don’t want to practice softball, I can remember it be positive or think positive thoughts about how I will feel good about my goal if I practice. Another one of my goals is to keep straight A’s in school this year and just like in softball, my word positivity can help encourage and motivate me to study and do my homework so that I am prepared for any tests. One last goal that I have for 2021 is to spend time with my family and to stay safe. One way that positivity will help me with this goal is that I can think about what a positive and happy feeling I get when I spend time with my family and to be able to spend time with my family I have to stay safe and protected from COVID. Hopefully by now you understand all the many ways positivity can help motivate me to reach my goals and just overall help me through 2021. Go HERE to go through the process of making your own goal and think about how positivity can help you achieve this goal.

Like everything else, for something to happen the way you want it to you will most likely need a plan. Therefore, I am going to need a plan to reach my goals for 2021. Like I said before my overall plan is to stay positive but there are many different ways you can do that. One way that  can make my goals into a reality is that I could have a reminder hanging in my room of the word, positivity. I would do this so that when I wake up I see it and it reminds me to stay positive and whenever I see it it will remind me. The more I think of my word, the more it can help encourage me to stay on track with my goals. 

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you liked it! Feel free to leave a comment answering this comment. What would your one little word be for 2021 and why would you choose it? Also, don’t forget to leave a link to your blog so that I can stop by. -Bella

All About Bella


Hi! My name is Bella and welcome to my blog. This is a blog where you can find posts about the environment including things like the ocean or air pollution. You can also find ways that you can help save the world (environmentally) one step at a time. Here are some interesting facts about me.


  • I play travel softball. I have been playing softball for as long as I can remember and started playing travel softball 5 years ago. I am a pitcher and first baseman. My number is 99 because of Aaron Judge because my families favorite team is the Yankees.  I love playing softball because I get to release my energy and it brings back all of the fun memories of my parents coaching me when I was younger.
  • I love the beach. I have always loved the beach and never thought about surfing until a year ago. I also love the ocean and all of the things in the ocean like coral reefs and all of the animals. I feel like surfing is so different from other things that you do at the beach. It feels like that because surfing is a way to see the ocean from a different perspective. There are also so many things that you can do at the beach. Most people think that there are a bunch of scary things in the ocean, not just sharks but all of the unknown things, when you are deep in the ocean you are one with the ocean and looking at the beautiful things not thinking about all the bad and scary stuff.
  • I love to read. Whether it is a fiction novel or a non-fiction book filled with information. Reading is relaxing and it almost takes you into a different world while your reading. I also love reading books that have a lot of information on different animals or the environment.  Did you know that the ocean is on its way to being 100% fishless by 2048 and Animal Agriculture uses trillions of (clean) water annually that could be going to people who don’t have access to it. 
  • I like to sing. I just like to sing, with my brother or in the car on a road trip. I have always loved to sing even when I was little I would sing for hours on end during a family road trip (probably a little annoying for everyone else). It is just something where you can let go and have fun. I feel like it is a way you can express yourself to the world and other people.
  • I am a dancer/figure skater. For most of my life I competitively figure skated on a national team. We were a theatre on ice team and were nationally ranked four different times. I also completed individually with many different solos. Dancing has really always been a part of me, whether I was ice skating or even on the softball field I would dance (whether it was good or not). 
  • I love to act. I am the type of person who makes a lot of lists and feel like I need to have a schedule or know exactly what will happen next and when. When I am acting, or am playing a character I know what’s going to happen next and I think it is just a feeling of safety. I have wanted to act my whole life and now I am which is crazy if you think about it. 
  • I love all animals. I absolutely love all animals. I think that every single one of thems lives matter just as much as ours do. They all deserved to be loved whether they are a big scary dinosaur or a cute little bunny. All animals have unique qualities and most likely are misunderstood. For example, some people are scared of sharks but there is nothing to be scared about, they are just misunderstood creatures and deserve to be loved, cared for and protected just as much as any other animal.
  • I love to learn cool new facts. Sometimes when I am bored I will go to (reliable) websites and learn new things. I love to share these with my family and I am always open to people sharing them with me. Whether it’s learning that a butterfly doesn’t have a mouth or that penguins mate for life I love to hear it. I try my best to learn something new everyday and share them with my peers.
  • I love the environment. I do everything that I can to help make the world a better place. I read stuff about cleaning the ocean,  cleaning the air, helping endangered animals and helping put a stop to climate change. I use this information to try an do my part and spreading the word so people can do their part as well. A good quote that shows this is “Do more than just exist” I try my hardest to help the world to the best of my ability everyday of my life. 

Thanks for coming by and reading my blog and a little more about me. Please leave a comment and a link to your blog so I can stop by. Make sure to come again!