All About Grace

Hi! Welcome to Down The Rabbit Hole. Have you ever heard that expression? It’s something I’m told often. I tend to get obsessed with certain topics (books, movies, tv shows) for months on end. I practically ate, slept, and breathed Harry Potter for three years. My family and friends tease me whenever I get into something new, saying I’m “going down the rabbit hole.” So that’s where I got the blog name from. And above this paragraph you can see a little drawing I did! This is a place where I can talk about the things I love or my personal life, and feel comfortable doing so. As someone who struggles with social anxiety and speaking up, I find it easier to communicate through writing. This is just a little introduction post, so you can get to know me a bit better.

  1. My name is Rosalyn Grace, but I go by Grace. I’m in 8th grade.
  2. I live with my parents, sister, and two dogs in Virginia. My sister is named Annie; she’s in 6th grade. She likes to play video games and color. My two dogs are labradoodles. We got them when their previous owner moved for his job. They’re not actually brothers, but they act like it. The older one is Sam, and he is nine. Sam is really noble and aloof, and really only cares about my mom. The younger one is Leo, who’s six or seven. Leo is silly and loves to play. We like to call them adora-doodles, a play on adorable.
  3. At the beginning of quarantine, I started teaching myself ukulele. I’ve been playing since then. I’m not super great at it, but I’m getting better, and that’s really what matters. 
  4. Speaking of music, I love it. I almost constantly have my earbuds in, which really annoys my family. My three favorite artists are Taylor Swift, Lorde, and Dua Lipa, and my favorite songs change often. At the moment it’s Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince for Taylor Swift, Perfect Places for Lorde, and Love Again for Dua Lipa. Ask me again in a couple of weeks and I’m sure it will have changed.
  5. I love to read, even if I haven’t been doing as much. I used to go to the library, check out ten Nancy Drew books, and read them all in a sitting, and now it takes me like two weeks to finish one book. My favorite series is Percy Jackson, I love everything the author writes and I can’t wait for the Disney+ show.
  6. I also love to write. It’s what I spend probably 70% of my waking hours doing if I’m not in school. I’ve finished a couple of stories, and am working on one right now. However, I don’t really want to be an author when I grow up, it’s more of a way to escape the world. Which kind of sucks at the moment. I’m not really sure what I want to do yet.
  7. When I’m writing, I usually have a show on in the background, playing from Netflix or Hulu on my phone. Some of my favorites are Parks and Recreation, Umbrella Academy, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Buzzfeed Unsolved, Agent Carter, and Agents of SHIELD. The last two are Marvel shows, and I’m really looking forward to some of the Marvel shows coming out in the future.
  8. I absolutely LOVE Marvel. I’ve seen every movie and show out so far, and have a ton of posters up in my room. My favorite superheros are Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Ant-Man. My favorite movies are the Ant-Man ones, Captain Marvel, Avengers (the first one), and the Black Widow movie. Even though it’s not out yet, I’m sure I’m going to love it. I’m also excited about how diverse Marvel is becoming. They’re starting to have more female, POC, and LGBTQ+ representation in their movies and shows, and it makes me really happy.
  9. Finally, my family loves to travel. We’ve been to lots of different places, but my two favorites have been Luxembourg and Hawaii. We went to Luxembourg in 2017, staying with my dad’s friend who lives there. We went to Hawaii in 2019 for a wedding. Both places were absolutely beautiful and I’d love to go back. Places I’d like to go in the future include Japan, California, England, Italy, and SIngapore.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment or the URL for your blog, so I can check it out!


3 Responses

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  2. 905876 says:

    Great All About Me post Grace!

  3. martha.rombach says:

    Hi Grace,

    This is a wonderful introduction to the blogosphere, and a fabulous timestamp for who you are right now in your own personal history. I’m really excited to read more of your writing and watch your author’s voice continue to develop. I also really like your drawing…it’s a perfect match for your blog title.

    Mrs. Rombach

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