The County Chronicle

The online newspaper of Loudoun County High School


SCA preserves school spirit in the time of COVID-19

Michaela Scott | Editor-in-chief

In the age of COVID-19, schools across the nation are struggling to bring together their student body and preserve the pride within each class in high school. However, Loudoun County High School’s Student Council Association is working day after day to connect the community, despite the distance between each individual.

SCA is an ambitious group of leaders at LCHS, and takes the form of a student authority government, with each member being elected in the springtime to serve for the following year. This assembly of class officials is the foundation of the majority of school events and has the duties of annually putting together a variety of school-oriented activities, such as homecoming week, powderpuff games, tailgates, spirit days, pep rallies, and fundraisers.

“Our operation normally consists of many events we bring to County, and even just small projects that contribute to uniting the classes, like our PEER projects,” said junior Kenly Howerter, SCA news anchor and member of the communication team.

The student council has had to make significant adjustments to suit this year’s differences and changes. This alteration has eliminated numerous plans and typical schools events, yet they are figuring out brand new ways to bring back the excitement of schoolwide participation. The assembly’s goal is to normalize this year as much as possible and keep the high energy.

“SCA’s objective during this unprecedented time of distance learning is to engage students as much as possible and boost school spirit virtually,” said junior Charlotte Penberthy, spirit committee member. As of now, LCHS cannot do powderpuff, sports, and multiple in-school projects, like decorating the halls. Although, recently SCA is implementing weekly challenges students can participate in and earn class points; spirit days are also being incorporated each week and class points are tracked publicly throughout Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.

With virtual communication, challenges are bound to occur in the process of adaptation and SCA has endured multiple setbacks within the start of the year. The team has expressed the difficulty getting the student body opinions to the faculty because of the online barrier. The chaos of separation has also been a contributing factor; SCA, as a club, only meeting at the end of the week to plan certain events and projects has led to less accommodations with connecting distancely.

“We are trying our best to make sure our student body feels as comfortable as possible with this new normal, especially the freshman,” said SCA news anchor junior Nathan Gribbin said. “We want them to know what they are doing and feel welcome because being brought into an environment where they can have a real human interaction isn’t an option at the moment.”

Despite the obstacles the student government faces, the staff has already accomplished several projects and enterprises, like the newly painted class rocks, informative morning announcements, High School 101, and organization of the school mascot, Each activity is a form of normalization to the 20-21 school year.

“High school 101 was different this year because of the virtual aspect, however it maintained a welcoming atmosphere to the upcoming class of 2024,” said Howerter. “Painting the school rocks was also a major accomplishment because each class could collectively decide what their rock would say and it’s a great way to help unite each grade.”

The SCA encourages students to suggest ideas for the school as a whole. Students can reach out to any member to put this into action; they are open to any recommendation and are hoping to hear from each other to uplift and strengthen the school community.

“We’re all taking things one step at a time, bringing new opportunities to the table, and we all hope we’ll be back in school soon to further function at full capacity,” said Gribbin. “Keep your pride full of hope, and your head high because we are all focusing on the bright future our school family anticipates on in the upcoming months.”

The 2021, 2022, and 2023 class rocks make an appearance outside the athletic wing at LCHS. SCA’s rock painting project during quarantine invites students into the new school year.



Seniors personalize the parking lot

Maggie Sheridan | Editor-in Chief

Though many students look forward to a parking lot full of splashes of color and design, Loudoun County seniors have not been able to paint their parking spots for several years. This year, that will finally change.

Principal Michelle Luttrell made the ultimate decision after she presented her ideas to LCPS for approval. The SCA executive board and Senior Delegate were the ones that were in charge of pulling this together. These members include seniors Sam Welstead, Stella Celentano, Caleb Rexroad, Fiona Flaherty, Jackson Chinn, Safa Saad, Erika Maliska, Sean Rombach, and Caroline Zanetti.

Math teacher and SCA sponsor Matthew Prince created a proposal with AP US History teacher, Psychology teacher, and fellow SCA sponsor Nancy Thomas. “We were told to wait to see how some of the other schools pulled the event off during COVID. After we observed and communicated with the other school administrations and SCA, we revised our plan,” said Prince.

Prince explained that the process was a complete team effort and many people worked together in order to make it happen. “Ms. Thomas and I were talking just after we had come up with the proposal for the SCA to review and thought it would be really awesome if we could make this whole thing digital,” said Prince. They then presented that idea to the group.

One member of the SCA who was very hopeful for this was senior Stella Celentano. “When we were campaigning for SCA, it’s something everyone really wanted to do this year and I am really excited we’re able to do it even though we’re currently doing online school,” said Celentano.

Seniors were charged twenty dollars in order to participate, which will go towards painting over the spots with black paint next year. This will take place near the end of next year. The school couldn’t charge the normal amount for spots since students are currently unable to use them.

Celentano was surprised by how open Luttrell was and glad that Prince and Thomas were also on board to help. “They were all a big part of planning and letting us do it. Mr. Prince and Ms. Thomas seemed very eager to help,” said Celentano.

Students express creativity and start on the painting of a spot in front of the athletic entrance. A wide variety of colors pop against the black asphalt. Take a spin through the lot to see more of these works of art. Photo courtesy of Matthew Prince.

Students are required to buy their own paints as well as any other supplies. They get four hours to paint each day. Painting will officially start Saturday the twenty-fourth and will be that Saturday and Sunday as well as the following Saturday and Sunday.

This new decision has improved the lives of several seniors. Senior Caroline Curtin said, “We are all super excited to hear about this news. I think the school felt badly that we wouldn’t have a normal senior year, so they wanted to give us something to look forward to.”

Although this has brightened many moods, it has also made others upset. “There are some people who didn’t get parking spaces due to the limited number available, who are disappointed they won’t be able to take part in this special event,” said Curtin.

Painting spots is also a way for the seniors to show off their creativity and be unique. “I decided it would be a very Caroline thing to make mine a picture of Remy from ‘Ratatouille’,” said Curtin.

“My friends are doing different quotes from shows. One friend is doing a quote from the show ‘The Office’ and my other friend is doing a quote from the show ‘Arrested Development.’ I also have friends who are actually drawing something pretty,” said Celentano.

Everyone involved with the planning is looking forward to seeing the finished products. They are also glad to have influenced positive change that benefits the seniors at school.

“It took a lot of collaboration and many outside hours contacting other schools and laying out the design for the event. It was great to be a part of because as a problem came up someone would step up with a solution and it was great to see everyone working together towards a common goal,” said Prince.

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