Teacher’s Pets: amidst pandemic challenges, pets bring comfort to teachers during the workday
Karen Cortes | Managing Editor
In a complicated year like 2020, there have been a lot of ups and downs for teachers. One of those few ups is that in teaching from home, teachers get to spend more time with their pets. Teachers submitted pictures of their four legged best friends as they continue to teach virtually.

Jane Yocom has a yellow lab named Tank. Yocom says Tank “Thinks the start of block 4 and 8 are a signal for him to get his dinner.” and that he really enjoys having someone at home all day. Photo courtesy of Jane Yocum.

Teacher assistant Diann Landau has “too many cats,” including Merri, Eowyn, Mikey, Tink and three kittens. She also has a horse named Mithrandir, which she gets to ride more frequently during the pandemic. She also enjoyed seeing her kittens being born. Photo courtesy of Diann Landau.

English teacher Arlene Lewis has a cat at home named Allie who is “forbidden to come in her office” because she walks all over Lewis’ keyboard and will bite Lewis if she tries to remove her. According to Lewis, the cat has gotten naughtier over quarantine. Photo courtesy of Arlene Lewis.

Lacey Conrad has a dog named Hershey, two cats called Mini and Peaches, a frog called Diggory, and two leopard geckos named Yoshi and George. Conard’s dog follows her around all day, and she likes to speak back to her cats. She said her geckos really do nothing but, “sometimes Yoshi sits on my shoulder during class.” Photo courtesy of Lacey Conrad.

Math teacher Karen Carr has two cats, named Jasmine and Aladdin and a dog called Zeus. Carr said Zeus likes to class bomb once in a while and that Jasmine likes to make frequent appearances while Carr teaches yet, “Aladdin would never lower himself to associate with lowly humans.” Photo courtesy of Karen Carr.

Math teacher Jarod Brown has a Chocolate Lab mix named Cashmere, Brown says Cashmere usually lays with him or one of his kids while they get work done, and that he walks more than ever since the pandemic started. Photo courtesy of Jarod Brown.

English teacher Melinda Shingler has a cat and a dog. Shingler says Simba, her cat, keeps her company while teaching or planning and that Bella, her dog accompanies her and her husband on their 2.75 mile walk. Bella also helps Shingler’s daughters break from their monotonous routines. Photo courtesy of Melinda Shingler.

AP Psychology teacher Nicole Daniel owns a Clumber Spaniel named Porter. Daniel says Porter likes to sleep and hang out with her in her workspace, and they take walks during Daniel’s lunch. Photo courtesy of Nicole Daniel.

Math teacher Nicole Kezmarsky has a rescue dog named Louis. Kezmarsky says Louis provides background noise, and that he also has an ongoing fight with a UPS employee that parks outside her house. Photo courtesy of Nicole Kezmarsky.

Math teacher Mel Hefty, has a dog called Bo. Hefly says Bo is a quarantine dog. “We drove down to Richmond to get him in April when his former family could no longer care for him because of COVID related issues.” She also says that he hangs out with her while she grades papers. Photo courtesy of Mel Hefty.