The County Chronicle

The online newspaper of Loudoun County High School


A capella is making a comeback!

Hannah O’Dea  

Loudoun County High school hasn’t had an a capella club in three years, but that is all about to change. Isabella Wylie, a senior, and Josh Finger, a junior, are excited to bring the club back. Wiley has always been interested in music and she has wanted to lead and a capella group ever since she heard the LCHS’s previous a capella group sing Pompeii.

“I want to form this group this year and have such a big base for it that it’ll stay throughout the year and so when I graduate I can come back and see a capella,” said Wylie.  Another other goal Wylie has is to help students become stronger musicians.

“I want them to be able to be confident in themselves as musicians and not just pop singers who sing like karaoke on YouTube. I want them to be able to create their music and do something they really like because it is a club and they are taking time out of their day and coming and it is not a class,” said Wylie.

Wylie hopes to have around 10 to 15 people in the club. The club is open to students of all grades. They plan to perform at the winter and spring concert; however, once the group is named they will discuss other places that they can perform. Their main concern is getting enough people to form the club.

“The biggest struggle I have is getting people to sign up because that has been our problem every single year,” said Wylie. They plan on singing pop and alternative rock and changing the songs to make it theirs.

However, in choir this year, Trina Cummings, the new president. She stated that her main goal this year is working on unity throughout the choir department. “We are planning so many activities. For instance, we are having a barbecue,” said Cummings.

As the new president, Cummings is looking forward to working with everybody. “This is a great opportunity for me to work with everyone from different choirs. I love getting to know everybody,” said Cummings.

This year choir still plans to make a trip; however, the trip is going to be closer because last year they went to Disney. The trip this year is going to be a weekend trip to Wolfe Lodge and Bushe Gardens sometime in April.


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