Maggie Sheridan | Managing Editor

Mallory Little displays one of her favorite drawings, an original piece entitled “Bullseye.” She created it using acrylics. The detail reflects the amount of time she spends on her artwork, earning her sales at King Street Coffee. Photo courtesy of Mallory Little.
For Mallory Little, art has been a passion for as long as she can remember. Her interest in art began when she was only four years old. “I started out drawing little stick figures and my mom started to notice and thought they were good,” said Little.
Little has focused on art over the years and worked her way up to more and more detailed and challenging pieces. In fact, at this point, she will frequently get commissions for her pieces.
“I had an art show about a year ago at King Street Coffee. I sold a few pieces there,” said Little.
Little’s favorite artist is Gustav Klimt. He is known for his many paintings and sketches of women. “There’s something very ethereal and haunting about his art,” Little said. “I love his style and use of colors as well.”
Surprisingly, she doesn’t currently take any art classes at LCHS, though she has taken private lessons. Nonetheless, she plans to incorporate art into her life in the future. In an effort to continue to improve her artistic talent, she has started taking private lessons.
Little enjoys talking about her interest. “I often share that I create art with most people,” said Little. “It’s a good conversation starter.”
She has continued with art because she gets better the more she works at it. “I like art because it’s so interpretive. There’s no set definition and anyone can do it. I’ve kept doing it all these years because I feel like I can’t stop now.”
Little believes she gets her love of art from her family. Her mom was an art major and her aunt is a prop mistress, which is a person who creates prop tables for musical performances.
“Art is something that definitely runs in the family,” said Little. It looks like Little will keep the tradition alive.