In this Slice of Life post, I will be talking about my spacers and my expander and what my plans are for spring break. But before I get to that topic this post isn’t a part of the March Slice of Life challenge that some kids are doing. My first topic is my spacers, my first plan was to get my spacers off on March 7, 2018 but never happened because the space in between my teeth wasn’t spaced enough. So, then my spacers came out on March 19, 2018 which was also the day I got my expander in my mouth. The day before March 19, 2018 I had a baseball practice which was when one of my 2 spacers fell out which was fine. So, this brings me to my next topic which is my expander. When I got my expander on March 19, 2018 it didn’t hurt until later in the day. I had a packed lunch that day which was good because the orthodontist lady said soft foods just for today which is what I packed. We then made an appoint for April 6, 2018 which is when I go back for my “checkup” on my expander. Which determines if I should keep it longer or if I can get it out. But that also doesn’t mean I get my Invisalign that day. This brings me to my last topic which is my spring break plans, they’re stay up to like 12:00AM watching Ninja on Twitch. Throughout the day I’ll play Fortnite unless I need to use the restroom or eat because both of those are important. But sadly, enough my parents will most likely make me do math or read or something stupid like that. This concludes my blog post.

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