Welcome to part four of entropy that I did not think about writing until recently. I think I am going to talk about randomness. Now I am talking about computer randomness. If you know why a computer can end up being so random, if you don’t I will tell you. The reason why some computer programs are so random is because of time. The program can activate any time of day. Though if by some chance somebody hacks the time it make it freeze, there is one other way to make randomness. You are the method. The game can react randomness by a pixel. By a change in story to a shift of the cursor, randomness can be everywhere. Now I have finished talking about randomness. Thank you for your time with the entropy. Now tell me what else could be random.
Category: My Life
I like to sometimes talk about my life.
Entropy Part 3
Now I am finally writing about the last part and my favorite part of entropy, randomness. What is randomness. Say a random animal that starts with “C”. Was the first thing that came to your mind cat or cow or maybe cockroach? Most likely yes. If you are wondering how I figured this out. It is because of the fact that the human brain says the things that are the first thing that comes to mind. If you said cockroach you may have had a number of encounters with them or you are doing measures to keep them away. If you said cow most likely you have seen one in person. Though many people know cat as well as caterpillar, Why did people say cat instead of caterpillar. This is also because the brain remembers short words or phrases better than longer ones.Now that I have talked about human randomness what about computer randomness.
Entropy Part 2
Now we are talking about another property of entropy disorganization. I am very, very disorganized. If you see my desk, it is very very cluttered. There are papers everywhere, science mixed with math. History squished with English. Textbooks in the same place as folders it is a disaster. Once a week, maybe two weeks, I go and clean out my desk. The only problem is I don’t have a place to keep it so I have thousands of papers reaching the kuiper belt. I am trying to save up money for a filing cabinet. Alas, I have a very limited forty seven dollars. I think I am going to need a summer job to earn the money. I am debating on which summer job I need. I need a job that is actually possible for me to do, and I need a job that I can do within an hour. I hope all of you see that disorganization can lead up to productivity. Now I hope you see the cipher to my code.
Auxe ogc nol wmfhiuplxzvw?
No not the amount of failure in a project. I am talking about the one that is chaos, disorganization and randomness. I am going share my random thoughts about each of these properties of entropy. Let’s start with CHAOS, this will be fun. Chaos is an interesting subject. Nobody really knows what chaos means. Some people call it as weirdness, some call it disgraceful. According to Merriam Webster dictionary chaos is confusion. Confusion is just a disturbance in the mind and body. The mind and body are one. Mixing them up can be difficult. Moving your hand and leg in different directions can throw a person off. This is why I hate headaches I have a big mumbo jumbo of chaos in my brain. As a result I am Getting a great disturbance in my body near the head. Chaos can affect everyone even you…
I think I am going to do the rest in a different blog post. As you can see I am not able to blog in france today. If you are reading this on the 25th of march then I was able to blog. I hope you enjoyed my post…decode using title
Auxe rd wsh arjt alnhj wc kmaw?
If you are reading this…
If you are reading this on March 17 or 18 I am not able to blog in France. If you are reading this on the 24 of March I am able to blog in France. If you have seen Mission impossible you know I decided to use their technique of a remote AI interface to make this post. Also known as scheduling. I love mission impossible. My favorite one was Mission impossible rogue nation. Ethan Hunt is awesome. Though my favorite character is Benji. These characters are the reason why I Love using encoded messages so I am going to use the key Vigenere cipher using the title as the key to solve what the question is, so get encoding.
Emyh cs pslv fddbxbam Eqxqwin zqgssvqorx twnqj?
I have some news for all readers out there. I am going to France for a week and so due to this I may or may not be able to blog so I am going to schedule blog posts for the week I am leaving. If I am able to blog there I will reschedule blog posts for when spring break starts or when I come back. If I am not able to blog I will let the posts well… post. My trip is going to be started tomorrow. I am visiting Paris, Rome, Venice, and maybe Amalfi Coast and Pompeii. This is going to be a fun trip So I hop you are ready to see it blogged about.
Of all of the places I am visiting which one is your favorite?
Daylight Savings
I was going to make a blog about this on Monday though I wanted to stick with my theme with the days. Here was the story. In art we came up on the discussion on what daylight savings time actually was. There was a heated debate and we resorted to plain old paper and pencil to convince my friend. So to prevent any further disputes between friends on this subject. Daylight savings time is made for adding more sunlight in the summer. It was first used by germans in an effort to save power. Though this might work in the olden days what about today. CGP Grey has made a video about this already so the link is right here. Anyway now you know about daylight savings.
What disputes can I clear up for you?
Sundays, the f-i-n-i-s-h of the weekend. You have a lot to do on this day. If you are a christian you have to go to church. For me I have a lot of my classes on sundays because I don’t want to ruin saturdays and I am too busy on weekdays. I lots of classes back to back. Church to piano to dance to robotics. It is overwhelming. So when I come home I am ready to sit down on the couch and watch television until I eat dinner. Consecutive to that I go straight to bed because of school tomorrow. I think that everyone dislikes sundays because School or work ends up coming around. I am in agreement with that on limitless levels. I wish that there were a third weekend to make a balance of school and fun.
What are your thoughts about Sundays?
The best day ever has come, Saturday! I love saturday no school or work. I get to do whatever I want. Video games go for it. Basketball , sure thing. Like I said earlier you can do anything. I have a short list on things to do on Saturday.
- Lie in bed
- watch Netflix
- Watch Youtube
- Play basketball
- Go to play laser tag
- Read a book
- Play a family game
- Makeup a new word
- Make a tent
- Play with toys
- Code
- Theorize life
- Play with your younger siblings
- Read my blog
Another good reason I love saturday is because I can catch up on sleep. I usually wake up at 6:00 this makes me insanely tired.Now I can sleep my way out of the weekend. I can also go to bed late because I do not have school tomorrow. This is awesome. Enjoy it now because a new day will come
What are your thoughts on Saturdays?
Finally it is here, Friday. The Finale of the week, The last section of struggle until the weekend. Fridays can be fun though they have some unintended results. The most common one is a test. Normally teachers try to make you work hard so they can see how well you progressed during the week. They also can do it to see if you did well on this unit. This is mainly called a summative test. The other result is a party this is more rare. Parties can be for fall, winter, spring, and summer breaks. They are celebrations that for a celebration of the weekend arrival. I love these parties. I love the weekend as well. Soon you will meet the greatest day ever…
What are your thoughts on Fridays?