Have you ever stole before I have only stole One thing I have not gotten in trouble. I stole a pencil. So here is what happened. I was in third grade, I entered class and I realized I had no pencil. Since I had to do my warm up,I saw nobody was there. That is when I realized that my friend had left his pencil pouch there so I waited until the teacher exited the room. I crept closer every step scarier than the last. The click of each step sounding more dangerous than the last. I had a river of sweat dribbling down my cheek. Then I reached the pouch. I never moved quicker than that in my life. I speedily grabbed the zipper and pulled it keeping my grip strong. I searched through that hodge podge and found a pencil I grabbed it and closed the pouch hiding the evidence. That was the scariest moment in my life.