No not the amount of failure in a project. I am talking about the one that is chaos, disorganization and randomness. I am going share my random thoughts about each of these properties of entropy. Let’s start with CHAOS, this will be fun. Chaos is an interesting subject. Nobody really knows what chaos means. Some people call it as weirdness, some call it disgraceful. According to Merriam Webster dictionary chaos is confusion. Confusion is just a disturbance in the mind and body. The mind and body are one. Mixing them up can be difficult. Moving your hand and leg in different directions can throw a person off. This is why I hate headaches I have a big mumbo jumbo of chaos in my brain. As a result I am Getting a great disturbance in my body near the head. Chaos can affect everyone even you…
I think I am going to do the rest in a different blog post. As you can see I am not able to blog in france today. If you are reading this on the 25th of march then I was able to blog. I hope you enjoyed my post…decode using title
Auxe rd wsh arjt alnhj wc kmaw?
You do know that entropy is an inability to convert heat.. or something like that