

It seems weird that I am blogging about Mondays on a Thursday. Anyway i have some thoughts about Mondays. In my opinion Mondays are actually not the worst days in the week. Mondays usually mean it is back to school and people need some time to get used to the new routine from the transition from the weekend. Though, I think that there people who think that  Mondays are the worst usually don’t like their school or work environment. Unlike those people I actually like school. I enjoy coming back to school. The best part about Mondays is the workload. There actually is less work because teachers know that the transition is difficult, so teachers actually make it easier for the kids to transition. I love this because it is a nice break from all of the stress. Though the work starts to get a little more difficult from here.

What are your thoughts on Mondays?

The Dab…

The death of all youtube vines, started with this gesture. A monstrosity that made thousands of people hate. The Dab. If you don’t know what the dab is you have a sad life. Basically, the dab is a gesture whare you bend your non-dominant arms elbow and you extend your dominant hand. Now the dab started as a hip hop dance move. Now it has transformed into a evil outgrown disgrace. In 2014 the dab used to be very popular like, the unimpressed lizard, Odell Beckham Jr.’s epic catch, and Alex from target. THough everyone did the dab and loved it, when 2015 and 2016 rolled along people started disliking the dab. By 2016 it was labeled as a disgrace. Famous youtuber DanTDM created a “organization” for stopping the dab know as the dab police. Oh how humanity will be saved if it will just erase from the internet.

Comment if you hate the dab as well

Why do you hate the dab


Alike how I talk to myself in the mirror I do this with my shadow. My shadow isn’t the guy who encourages me do the opposite of what I want to do. My shadow always alerts me of the consequences of doing certain things. For example, When I decide to go and watch youtube instead of studying my shadow reminds me, “Hey you got to do this homework, if you don’t do it now you are going to struggle. ” My shadow along with my reflection can help me make good sensible decisions.Using their support middle school has been a breeze for me.

Who helps you to pull through your challenges?


Yesterday I woke from my deep slumber to find my mom screaming at my brother. I went downstairs to see what it was and I found out the screeching was my mom scolding my brother about his mirror images. So I decided to talk about mirrors today. I am not going to make a poem about mirrors I am just going to talk about them. I love the fact that mirrors are just highly reflective glass. It shows that a dirty smudged glass in the dustbin can be a marvel hung up in a palace. Did you know that the inventor of the mirror came from France. That is over four thousand miles away! Speaking of people with mirrors I do aa strange thing and talk to my reflection. I actually can make a really developed conversation with someone who mirrors what I say. I actually do this with my shadow which is my next blog video.

What strange activities do you do in your free time?

I screwed up…

I was rushing to finish other things, such as my percussion lessons and my homework I forgot I needed to do the challenge. I need to fix this. I know that I can’t fix things in the past though I can improve for the future. so I made a list of things I am going to do.

-I am going to do the blog posts for the weekend in class.

-If I have free time on the weekends I will finish blog posts for weekdays.

-In class I will try to finish the blog post for the next day when we have blogging time.


Here we go, the challenge begins. I have to blog every single day. I had no idea of what to write so I wrote about my 7th favorite breakfast. Following behind the bread and butter. Cereal. I am going to talk a lot about why I like cereal and why I don’t like it cereal. Now let us start this challenge.



A general breakfast

Lots of them are similar

A dry grain

With a hole inside


Froot Loops

Chocolate O’s

Though others come in pebbles

Fruity pebbles

Cocoa pebbles

Others come in balls

Cocoa puffs

Cookie crisps

My favorite comes in a crispy flake

The invincible

Frosted flakes.

The cereals crunch and crisp
Give invulnerability

To all who eat it

Not sponsored

What is your favorite cereal