Limoncello(not lemoncello)

The limoncello recipe

I am going to share what my mom says is the best drink in the universe the limoncello. Disclaimer If you are a kid you shouldn’t really be reading this as it is a recipe for an alcoholic drink. So anyway here you go. The ingredients are…

  • 10 Fresh lemons
  • (This ingredient is impossible to obtain in america)1 liter of 95% brandy/wine
  • 2 liter of water
  • 1 kg of sugar


Step 2: Pour in the alcohol with the zest and stir

Step 3: Let the mixture rest for about two weeks

Step 4: Mix the sugar and water and boil it. Let it boil right before it caramelizes but don’t let it caramelize.

Step 5: Pour the two together and let it settle.

Wait for about 4-6 weeks and you have your limoncello ready for drinking.

Seafood and cheese

As I said in an earlier post I went to the amalfi coast and I had the seafood of the heavens in the amalfi coast. Since amalfi coast was made from Mount Vesuvius, the same one that destroyed Pompeii, wore down the sides and created volcanic sand it is amazing to see it right by the sea. I went to a restaurant near the coast it was amazing. I had seen some of the most amazing food ever. I started off with the amazing Bufalo d’acqua mozzarella. This is also known as the water buffalo mozzarella. So I learned something in that restaurant. Apparently there are two kinds of mozzarella cheese first there is the one we are all used to flour mozzarella. That one is made from the milk of a cow, it lasts for weeks and weeks. That is why most people use it in America. The second type is what I tried the water buffalo mozzarella. This uses water buffalo milk and it tastes amazing. It has the milk inside it so that makes it liquidy and it makes it not able to last long so that is why you don’t see it in the USA.I then had heavenly lobster with a side of shrimp. I was also hungry so I tasted the fried zucchini with spaghetti. I swear it tastes better than it sounds. It is actually more like fried spaghetti with zucchini sauce but whatever. I am not a zucchini fan so I was reluctant to buy this though I am so glad I did because the zucchini tasted amazing with the spaghetti. There are just no words to describe the godliness. I think I am going to end it here because this post is getting too long and I want to show you an amazing wine for adults according to my mom (kids please don’t drink…). So I will share it next so now enjoy your spring break.

I hate air france and other stuff

I hate air france right now. So you see when I went and had a wonderful trip in europe. I loved everywhere especially when the eiffel tower started lighting up. Not exploding I wouldn’t do that (hehe). Jokes aside I enjoyed it. Though Just as I was ready to go home. Air france goes on strike on the worst days possible. Plus as you can see from my previous posts I was not able to blog those days so here I am blogging on wednesday when I was supposed to blog on monday. I need to tell you on what I tasted in the Amalfi Coast. I ate some of the best seafood in the world. Actually this can be a seperate video. Never mind. I actually took a challenge from someone to just write on the sot and only erase for typos. No changing sentences so this is the result. Thank you for listening to my complaints on an airline and some other random junk. Goodbye my peoples.


I am going to make a list of dangerous natural stuff for you to hear. I am going to see whether you can answer my questions about the weather on this day.

  • Thunder
  • Lightning
  • Wind
  • Rain
  • Flood
  • Clouds
  • Smog
  • Fog
  • Sleet
  • Ice
  • Hail
  • Frozen rain
  • Sky
  • Fire
  • Tornadoes
  • Water spouts
  • Fire spouts
  • Hurricane
  • Flurries
  • Ground
  • Earthquakes
  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Rocks
  • Oil
  • Coal
  • Energy
  • Gas
  • Hope

Help me add to this list that will be enjoyable for me. I may make more of these that include man made disasters. Remember You need help with something I will help, just put it in the comments of one of my blog posts..


Have you ever stole before I have only stole One thing I have not gotten in trouble. I stole a pencil. So here is what happened. I was in third grade, I entered class and I realized I had no pencil. Since I had to do my warm up,I saw nobody was there. That is when I realized that my friend had left his pencil pouch there so I waited until the teacher exited the room. I crept closer every step scarier than the last. The click of each step sounding more dangerous than the last. I had a river of sweat dribbling down my cheek. Then I reached the pouch.  I never moved quicker than that in my life. I speedily grabbed the zipper and pulled it keeping my grip strong. I searched through that hodge podge and found a pencil I grabbed it and closed the pouch hiding the evidence. That was the scariest moment in my life.


What if you could  change into a new form. What would you choose. I would choose a draconequus because I love this animal. First of all it is a mythological creature. I love mythical creatures because they are reminders that anything is possible. Second it has the head of a horse. Horses are a mystical quadruped species. They race at top speeds. They walk with such grace. And they leap like they disobey gravity. Third they have the body of a dragon. I mean, who doesn’t love dragons. They are strong and kind at the same time. This is why I love draconequus. What would you choose?


What is a nightmare according to the American Psychiatric Organization is “Nightmares are lengthy, elaborate dreams with imagery that evokes fear, anxiety, or sadness. The dreamer may wake up to avoid the perceived danger. Nightmares can be remembered upon awakening and may lead to difficulties returning to sleep or even cause daytime distress. Isolated nightmares are normal, but when dreams that bring extreme terror or anxiety recur often they can become a debilitating sleep disorder.” So I am going to share my thoughts on nightmares. They can be evil! Whenever I have a nightmare I forget what I did about before I had my nightmare. This can be very frustrating if I have something important to do. So a nightmare can be deadly. The nightmare can be very scary that can have serious side effects on the psychology of the person. Now I have told you about nightmares.

Entropy Part 4

Welcome to part four of entropy that I did not think about writing until recently. I think I am going to talk about randomness. Now I am talking about computer randomness. If you know why a computer can end up being so random, if you don’t I will tell you.  The reason why some computer programs are so random is because of time. The program can activate any time of day. Though if by some chance somebody hacks the time it make it freeze, there is one other way to make randomness. You are the method. The game can react randomness by a pixel. By a change in story to a shift of the cursor, randomness can be everywhere. Now I have finished talking about randomness. Thank you for your time with the entropy. Now tell me what else could be random.

Entropy Part 3

Now I am finally writing about the last part and my favorite part of entropy, randomness. What is randomness. Say a random animal that starts with “C”. Was the first thing that came to your mind cat or cow or maybe cockroach? Most likely yes. If you are wondering how I figured this out. It is because of the fact that the human brain says the things that are the first thing that comes to mind. If you said cockroach you may have had a number of encounters with them or you are doing measures to keep them away. If you said cow most likely you have seen one in person. Though many people know cat as well as caterpillar, Why did people say cat instead of caterpillar. This is also because the brain remembers short words or phrases better than longer ones.Now that I have talked about human randomness what about computer randomness.


Entropy Part 2

Now we are talking about another property of entropy disorganization. I am very, very disorganized. If you see my desk, it is very very cluttered. There are papers everywhere, science mixed with math. History squished with English. Textbooks in the same place as folders it is a disaster. Once a week, maybe two weeks, I go and clean out my desk. The only problem is I don’t have a place to keep it so I have thousands of papers reaching the kuiper belt. I am trying to save up money for a filing cabinet. Alas, I have a very limited forty seven dollars. I think I am going to need a summer job to earn the money. I am debating on which summer job I need. I need a job that is actually possible for me to do, and I need a job that I can do within an hour. I hope all of you see that disorganization can lead up to productivity. Now I hope you see the cipher to my code.

Auxe ogc nol wmfhiuplxzvw?