
Hi! I am going to blog about my weekend because I don’t have anything else to blog about so… here it goes. On Saturday mornings I have a class that I go to, it starts at 9:30 and ends at 10:30 AM. My mom picked me up and then we went to Dick’s to get sleeping bags for a sleepover that I was going to have. We then go to Michael’s and get a gift for the person who is having a sleepover for her birthday. I got her a friendship bracelet and an art set, she really liked it. I got ready for her party once I came home and then we went to her house. When I got there we all played cards for a little bit and then we went for roller skating, apparently that place was closed. We instead went to this trampoline place where we jumped for an hour or so. For dinner we went to an italian pizzeria, I chose he healthier option and chose a salad. Once we all came home we changed into our PJ’s and watched Jumanji. I loved that movie, it was so funny, I definitely recommend it. We then played scary games because it’s a lot of fun. We talked and then fell asleep watching the Avengers. That was around 2:30 AM. I was the first one to wake up the next morning which was around 8 AM. I slept for about 5 ½ hours, wasn’t that fun. My friend doesn’t like cake so she always gets a donut “cake”. It’s basically just a bunch of donuts stacked. We played a game called war (not the card game), we each build a fort and then we fight with pillows. We started playing freeze tag but in the middle of that my mom called me that she’s going to pick me up. That was an awesome sleepover, I had a lot of fun.


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