I am not good at poems. (I should stop saying that at the beginning of every post in April and I will) Meaning I don’t have a variety of types of poems to post about so today is THE MCDONALDS FREE VERSE POEM! I can’t wait to continue the story so LETS GET A MOVE ON!
But this is like 10 words which is way to little for a post
So Henry came and went into a cave and never touched my blog again
But he put his blog link under someone’s coffee table for free comments
The fat person found the link
He knew what he had to do
His plan was to buy a computer to search the link
Because he did not have one
He tried to get off the couch
It was a failed attempt
He grabbed his iPhone -8
The fat person dialed the number
“Hello” Sounded the man
“I need a crane” Responded the fat person
“Okay maybe in a decade” Said the man
The man hung up
The fat person was furious
He had to build his own crane
He snatched the couch cushions
And made a crane
It didn’t work
He had to use his inner super powers
The fat person flew through his ceiling
He zoomed to the store
But his super powers where running low
And he fell flat to the floor
He knew he had to get to the store
So he made a plan
Remember, there is no downside to video games!