This is quite a random post, but I had to share my wisdom.
1. Gather lots and lots of paper
2. Get scissors and a pencil
3. Think of a story of someone getting locked in some creepy guys house
4. Make items out of paper to make the protagonist escape
5. Also make items out of paper to make the creepy guy catch the protagonist
6. Play
If you have two people (Including you) have one be the creepy guy and one be the protagonist
If you have three people (Including you) have one be the creepy guy and have two protagonists
If you have four people (Including you) have two creepy guys and two protagonists
This is my story that I made:
I am invited to this party at 666. It is a weird address but I guess that is just luck. I walk inside and the door locks behind me. I slowly recognize the house. It was the house of the creepy guy who kidnaps children. I knew I was the victim. I heard talking downstairs. I saw a slot for a keycard. “This is going to be harder than I thought.” I mumbled to myself. I searched the house for the keycard. Sure enough it was under the sofa. I picked it up and put it in the slot. Now I could go into the basement. I slowly creeped down the steps. I saw the person having a meeting with creepy guys. I peeked at his desk. There was plans to launch toxic gas. But right then he peeked at me. He plunged at me and put me in a cell.
I woke up in a dusty prison cell. I could reach out and type in a code. I had to find anything to help me escape the cell. After a minute of searching I found a piece of paper. It read:
I reached out at the password and typed in the code. I was free. I looked at the meeting area. There was nobody there, meaning the creepy guy was patrolling the house. I snuck to the stairs. I needed another keycard. I was searching for the card when I heard someone coming down the stairs. I rushed over to the closet, listening to my speedy heartbeat. After a minute the creepy guy left. I continued my search to find a keycard. I put it in the slot and I could enter the upper floor.
I opened up to the next floor. I wanted to access all the floors so I found the keycard for the upstairs. I entered the keycard to explore the upper floor. While I was exploring, I found a scrap of paper with another code.
Safe password:
(That is not my real combination so don’t even try) I remembered a safe in one of the abandoned rooms. I tried the password revealing a note. I heard the guy coming so I hid under the bed. I read the note.
I have been hiding under the beds and closets. I hope nobody ever has to live through my pain and is forced to stay in this crazy man’s home. If you are stuck in here, then this is where I hid my stuff, in the envelope labeled NZ.
I remember seeing an envelope on the kitchen counter. I picked it up and went under the bed. I decided to put everything I find up here and put it under the bed. I opened the envelope and saw a key and a weird ritual. I picked it up in amazement. But then I dropped it.
That is all I am going to give you in fear of you copying my entire story. But if you want me to continue in a future post then comment. (Speaking of that I need some more) But remember, there is no downside to video games!