Welcome to the post about my early years, in kindergarten! It was a year about me being completely stupid and NEVER understood stuff. This post might not all be true because my memory of 5th grade is bright but my memory of kindergarten is not. Here is my story: Mom told me that I am going to a school with a labrador as the mascot. I didn’t understand so I thought I would be going to a school full of dogs.

I then played with legos despite I didn’t know how to build anything. I built a house that was always breaking apart. My brother who was currently in pre school had a suggestion: wHY d0n+ yoU m4K3 sUmF1NG WilLiE sM4lL, d3N 1t WoNT F4LL APaRt. Even then I screamed NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

I did my awkward daily schedule and soon enough came the first day at Anti Henry Organization- I mean Elementary School! I still don’t remember what my mom really said but it sounded to me like sit next to Derpus. So I sat right next to Derpus. I was glad I interpreted it like that because without it I would be playing Fortnite Duo with him! I will add a part II to this probably but I have a mission for you, comment ideas for my book once I post my first post about it! I also need you to remember 2 things. Keep the ideas Terraria like so I CAN implement them, and the other thing is: There is no downside to video games!


I have been posting about this game every time I post about The Vacation series. But I recently got back into the game recently. It is PVZ 2 (Plants Vs Zombies 2) So this is what happened: Will told me there was an update to this game recently so I went to the lost city of THE APP STORE! I updated the game I was going to update and saw the PVZ UPDATE I read the description of it and it said “The first major update of the game since the release…” I pressed the update button. After I played An hour of the Battelz mode, I checked on my level. I WAS 10 LEVELS AWAY FROM BEATING THE GAME!

I now BEAT THE GAME but there is one thing stopping me, it isn’t like anyone else in my school LIKES the game! It is just not very cool in my grade. I mean, we can like what we want without anyone commenting on it. (Actually, comment whatever you like, I need them) So try to not make fun of me and DON’T LEAVE MY BLOG! I PLAY FORTNITE TOO! So even if it is a game like this, there is no downside to video games!


BAM! I woke up at 2:00, And I was in the town from part II. We were FINALLY here. I was back in Wyoming. (Before I was in South Dakota) I had memories from the trip back. I was looking out the window. (And this trip was only 2 months from April, where THE TORNADO from the TORNADO + 5TH GRADE = I’M DONE) We had a chance to be driving right across the edge of tornado alley. Then came the chance of this guy.

Those puffy clouds turned into obese cumulonimbus clouds and HUGE amounts of rain MAKING OUR RV SWERVE AROUND THE ROAD! We thought we got hit hard but RIGHT AHEAD there was a TON of Precipitation. Also, mom said there was a “chance” of “light rain” ahead and later told me she was getting TORNADO WARNINGS! But since our RV was freaking out we went a “long cut.” It was like that for what seemed like an hour and eventually we emerged from the supercell. I love new memories! I wanted to put the other part in yellowstone in here but this is getting too long. I will probably make THE VACATION, PART IV PART II!

But remember, there is no downside to video games!


Today in school there was a walkout to honor the 17 people who were killed in Florida. It was so weird! Right when everyone left Mr. [Teacher’s] class I knew I HAD to write a post about it. So this is my experience: I was writing yesterday’s blog post (I AM ON A CAMPSITE) and my mom said to come downstairs.

Mrs. [Principal] said to not go on a walkout and I had NO IDEA what that was. She told me that it was when people just leave school. I was convinced not to do it so I obviously didn’t. I then went back to posting my AMAZING POST!

The next day, I was in science and while me and Spooder pig (His Blog) Where doing a science project, someone was screaming ONE MINUTE WARNING, ONE MINUTE WARNING! And me and Spooder Pig were nowhere near finishing our project. Then one minute later, Mr. [Teacher] was telling people that there is the walkout and everyone left. I asked what was going on and it was about yesterday’s email. I couldn’t believe that every time I hear about the murder In Florida it always got more intense. But remember, there is no downside to video games!


Okay, it is time for THE VACATION Part III. BAM I woke up staring at the ceiling (Or RV roof, WHAT IS IT CALLED) I realized I was the first one up so I checked out the campsite before my brother could wreck it. I put on my tight shoes and stepped into the grass.

It looked amazing! Like we went somewhere that is not the town center! I saw 357864354734574574652457654 other RV’s parked side by side. I went back in to play (Drumroll) Plants Vs Zombies! (Yay!) Eventually, the rest of my family (I mean the world) woke up. They were not used to the 2 hour difference but I could get used to living on mars without protective gear. (But no collar shirts)

We walked around the campsite and when we wanted breakfast we had PANCAKES! At a PANCAKE TENT! We had that for breakfast the rest of the campsite section of the trip. Later, after all these campsite activities, we went to MOUNT RUSHMORE

It looked smaller than I imagined but somehow bigger at the same time! We went to the campsite to do more stuff. Then we made a fire and COOKED SAUSAGES! Then we practically did the same stuff the next day. And then we had to leave the campsite. But remember, there is no downside to video games!


I almost found de wae today. I couldn’t believe my neighborhood said no to me. My plan was to go around all the big roads I was not aloud to go across. I then realised my neighborhood was surrounded by highways (I was riding my bike by the way) Also, it took SO LONG that my dad rode his bike up to me. He thought I was trying to run away so he TRACKED me on my g1sM0 G4Dg3t.

It was so disappointing! My house is surrounded by overloaded highways, so I am trapped! I came home to write this post but my fingers were moving SO SLOWLY! It was SO COLD! and the reason I was riding my bike was because I lost electronics for not joining my sister on R0bl0x. I mean, she was playing h1GH SK0ol PR1NS3sS SiMUL4T3r, so it is not like I wouldn’t rather just write my book.

My dad said there was tunnels under the road but I don’t know how to get there. The only tunnel under the road I know how to get to you have to cross a highway to get there but that defeats the purpose. But remember, there is no downside to video games!


I am dieing! I cannot keep waiting for the book thing! But I am only 4 pages in! I am trying to write it whenever I have free time but that is NOT ENOUGH! So I will just give you a sneak peek at the Terraria story: The Terrarian, Mission Purification. (The first one) So here is the SNEAKY PEEK OF ALL SNEAKY PEEKS (I need to reference the anything of all anythings more) Enjoy:

There was once some scary guy named Cthulhu who attempted to spread Crimson and Corruption across the entire world but the GOOD GUYS STOPPED HIM (YEAH) So the gov’t decided to send him to the planet TERRARIA! (Terraria fans beware) But the gov’t forgot they sent 22 COLONISTS THERE (The Terraria NPCs) So they wanted to RESCUE THEM FOR SAFETY REASONS (Where did that come from???) Meaning they had to send Eric Gestar to the planet to SAVE THE COLONISTS and DEFEAT CTHULHU! (Meaning you have to defeat all the bosses, even DUKE FISHRON and KING SLIME, the most useless bosses in the game)

Here is where I currently am in the book: Eric is learning how useful the guide is. HE IS LEARNING WHAT A TORCH IS USED FOR! It is hard to write a WHOLE SERIES without support though. I mean, with my 3rd grade books I just wrote about [Ends] and [The other ones.] But remember, there is no downside to video games!


Yup, it ended. The series of 5th grade is already over. DON’T WORRY I AM NOT DEAD YET! I just don’t know what else to say. So there is only one series left and it is the one out west. And it should last longer than the 5th grade one because it is 2 WEEKS! (And the getting there days) And so far we are on day 4! So we have exactly 4 left.

So there is also a series I will start by the end of march. Every time I get 10 comments I will read them and respond to them. You also know I will update you on my super breath taking, Terraria story. But I cannot just have a post about that because it has to be about my life. So I will talk about recent times. Like my deadly sore throat of doomsday. I cannot have good nights sleep under my rock. I cannot live like that! There is no way you can either. My brother said it does not hurt so I gave him a FIRE ROAST! (Okay, I just said he was dumb and he was a liar)

So if you are not dying of “Neck Disease” There is no downside to video games!


I have finally done it. MY BLOG IS COMPLETE! I will still post 34873428970350986643087341908637989 times a day but I am done adding widgets and stuff. Unless If there is some sort of new requirement in the future but for now I am complete!

So I hope you like it and will read it every day for the rest of your life. When I look at my blog I usually think of how AMAZING it is. There is no way you can look at it without saying AWESOME (I think) I hope you like it! But remember, there is no downside to video games!


So, I am doing something like Carter did. (The Life of a Carter) It is where you make a post in the future to look at what you wanted to accomplish and what you did accomplish. But I am doing something different I am doing a face reveal! But wait, isn’t that a safety problem? No! I would be DEAD! Yup, it will be public in the year 10000. I will add a timer below this so you can see the countdown! (Not like I could figure out how)

Yup, you will have to wait 8000 something years for you to see this. But remember there is no downside to video games!