Having glasses are harder than you think. Some people think glasses are easy and simple. But it’s really not! You walk up and put on your glasses exactly where you put them last night, right? WRONG! I’m basically blind without my glasses so i’ll put them down somewhere and in the morning -since I can’t see- I can’t find them. So i’ll go downstair and tell my parents I can’t find them and they’ll walk up to my room and get them off my desk. I always put my glasses on my desk but in the morning I always forget that! Also not to mention it’s March but it’s still cold! So i’ll walk out of my nice warm house into the cold and my glasses will almost instantly start to fog up! And it’s so annoying because I have to wait until my glasses adjust to the temperature for them to de-fog. Those are some of the main things but there are little things that still bother me. Like for instants when people want to try on my glasses and touch the lenses so then they get all dirty and I have to clean it. Or if someone takes my glasses off my face without telling me. And the thing that annoys me the most is when people say, “wow you have really bad eyesight.” That makes me so mad! I literally think, “oh really? I have had glasses since I was eight and I never noticed. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention that I have bad eyesight. I will praise you dear person.” I feel like people should know if someone has glasses then they would definitely know if they have bad eyesight or not! Well, I enjoyed writing and hope you enjoyed reading! student signing out! <3
Category Archives: Uncategorised
Don’t Ask Artist’s This!
So in case you didn’t know, I love to draw! I’m like that shy person in the back of the class that listens but then sometimes will zone out and draw on their paper. Yep, i’m an introvert! Some people may just know me as “The Art Kid”. Which I really don’t care being called that, I know some people might not like that though. But since people know I like art the most common question I get is, “You like art? Can you draw me?” And when people ask me that I respond with with same thing, “I would but i’m not really good at realistic drawings and don’t want to offend anyone.” and half of the time they respond with, “Oh, that’s ok………you can draw me in your style!” JVBKDHIUTHBU LIKE AAUHHHUH WHAT!? WHY!? I’M TRYING TO BE NICE HERE JUST-EHHHH!! When I say I don’t want to offend anyone I really don’t want to but at the same time it’s just a nice and friendly way to say no! Sorry but i’m not wasting my time for something I know for a fact your going to throw away! But the real question is, why is this a common question people ask so oftenly? Seriously, why? Do people think we are magicians? Do they think we’re saying, “Ahhh! Step right up ladies and gents come over to my desk where I personally can draw draw you! And guess what after you sign up you can just walk away and expect me to remember your face! So come now during class!” I also say no because usually people ask me the DURING class. I used to actually say yes when people would ask me to draw them but after I would say yes they would thank me then walk off…It’s common sense if you want someone to draw YOU then they would have to look at you and keep looking at you until their done! So you don’t just WALK OFF! Ah this feels nice to get off my chest. Also sometime it’s people I don’t even know and I just think to myself, “W-what? How do you know my name? And why do you think I would draw you? Do I smell lucky charms?” So moral of the blog, don’t ask people to draw you. Well, I enjoyed writing and hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3
When we Got Our Kittens
When we got our cats we were soooo excited! I’m surprised our parents even trusted us with cats. When I was born I already had Chico with me, he’s 15 currently. But when we got the kittens I was 8 and sister was 12. We both got a cat. A small black cat, that was a girl. And a grey tabby cat, who was a boy. My sister got the girl and I got the boy. My sister cat was named Cricket and mine was named Collin. Cricket was a very shy cat and Collin was a very loud, friendly cat. We got Collin and Cricket because Brooke and I both liked them and they were in the same cage together. They were both found in the “wild”, aka on the streets. We think Cricket was abused by her former owners and that’s why she’s so shy and only likes to hang around my sister. Cricket runs away from a lot of people, and things. When we first got the kittens we kept them in my sisters bathroom while we were there. Since we already had Chico we wanted to make sure the kittens could get used to our upstairs of the house before they met Chico. When we made the cats introduce we did it very slowly. First we let Collin and Chico introduce because Collin was more friendly. Then we did Cricket and Chico. Because Chico’s older he didn’t really care. Sometimes the kittens would annoying him and chase him but that was really it. He never hissed or pawed(hit) them. And that’s definitely a good sign! Well I enjoying writing and hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3
Weird Names I Call Animals!
I absolutely LOVE animals! Almost all animals, I said Almost. Snakes are a no, just no. There danger noodles. And I don’t like danger. Sure I like noodles but the word danger…If we go anywhere and there’s a sign or someone says, “Hey, watch out for snakes,” I’ll just leave, seriously i’ll just walk away. Danger noodles are definitely not my type. Those noodles can KILL people! And the way they can blend in and just sneak up on you just like the little danger noodles they are, just gives me jitters. I sometimes call them nope ropes because if I see and or hear one it’s just, nope, im out, bye bye! And it’s not just danger noodles I hate. I also am not a big fan of seagulls, octopus, killer whales, bears, and raccoons. That’s all, some other animals i’m ok with. And that’s why in the beginning I said almost all animals. But since i’m weird I don’t just call them by their name, oh no no no no noooo. I’m going to go through the list of the names I call them and why i’m not a big fan of them. So first we have our lovely beach chicken. And once when I was five we were at the beach and one took my sandwich out of nowhere! I was hungry after that…THANKS A LOT BEACH CHICKEN! Also if you haven’t noticed yet I am going in order that I named them. So next we have our floppy floppy sea spider. And those are just terrifying because they’re in the ocean and their very big and with all there 8 tentacles that’s not a nice spider I don’t like spiders in the first place. I don’t have a story to tell about this one because thankfully I have never ran into one. Next on my list is a panda whale. Its original name is killer whale so there’s not much explaining to do considering it has the word killer in its name. I also haven’t seen that before in real life so praise the genies! Then we have a danger floof. Rather than saying Brambleton middle school I should just say floof middle school. I’m gonna stick with that. I mean technically considering I go to school almost every day I could say that I ran into a danger floof before. Then last but not least my favorite, the trash panda. Again I’ve never seen one but they go through your trash! I don’t want to clean up their mess which was technically my mess but they made it a mess again! If that even makes since…I just hope I never run into to anything on this list, ever! Well I enjoyed writing and I hope you enjoyed reading! student signing out! <3
Cartoon Trivia.
I bet as a kid you probably watched a lot of TV. Well, the other day my sister and I were watching some YouTube videos. Then we came across a video titled, “2000’s Cartoon Theme Song Trivia.” And my sister and I being the people we are clicked on it. And my goodness there were so many theme songs I haven’t heard in a LONG time. It was so nostalgic! We heard theme songs like, “Barney, The Mighty Bee, Kick Patawski, Spongebob, Peep And The Big Wide World.” And I could go on and on. To me I love that feeling being able to remember really old shows and remember loving them and watching them every single day! But now a lot of the kid shows I used to watch have all been stopped and never come on anymore…or they get turned into memes. Watching those shows were my life! Begging my mom to stop watching Wendy Williams so I could watch Johnny Test. My sister and I were so addicted to that show that we knew the whole theme song and we named our elf on the shelf Johnny. My sister and I knew a lot of theme songs when we watched the video. The point of the video was to watch the video play a theme song for 15 seconds with a black screen and you would have to guess the theme song in those 15 seconds. After the 15 seconds were up it would show you what the show was. My sister and I knew so many to the point where we were singing with the theme songs! We sang to, “Scooby Doo, Spongebob, Johnny Test, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents, Kim Possible, Ed Edd N Eddy, Chowder.” And soooo many more! Well, I enjoyed writing and hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3
I’m Addicted To Amazon.
So you might not know this about me but I am addicted to browsing for stuff on Amazon. I don’t even know why I do this it’s just I love to look at the room Decor stuff it’s always so cute to me! I do have a couple decorations in my room that I got off Amazon and currently I ordered something and am waiting for it. It’s going to come somewhere in March to April. Yeah I know it might be a long time but it’s worth the wait, or at least to me it is. What I ordered was a sticker to go on my wall and it’s an inspirational quote. It says, “You have to be the person that doesn’t wait for the rain to past, but the one who dances in it.” I’ve been looking for something to put over my bed because usually I have one picture or multiple pictures above my bed because I have a space above my bed that’s really big. And I think this quote will be a perfect thing to fill that space. Also some of the pictures that are currently above my bed I also from Amazon. Well I enjoyed writing and I hope you enjoyed reading! student signing out! <3
I Think I’m Sick. >:3
So the flu is going around. And I’m sick but I don’t know what from. I think it’s just a cold but we’re not totally sure. My throat hurts and I have a runny nose. But good thing today there were highwinds meaning there is no school! So that also means I won’t be the only person to miss my history test today. Because I’m not feeling my greatest I decided to write a blog post for the slice of life challenge! I’m writing this while I’m listening to music so that’s a plus. Being sick is probably one of the worst feelings depending on how bad it is. Now going from 1 to 10 I think I’m at a 5 right now. It’s not really hurting but it’s hard to talk and it’s just uncomfortable. So on the day off my mom and I watched the movie “Wonder”. I’ve already seen it but it’s one of those movies where it’s worth watching again. I hate missing school for being sick because your work kind of piles up if you’re gone for more than two days. It’s taking me a while to write this because I keep coughing and having to look away from the screen. But anyways I enjoyed writing and I hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3
Why Do My Cats Do This?
I have three cats. I know, I may or may not be obsessed. But our cats are around half of our life. We’re always feeding them, petting them, and playing with them. Also i’m just really lazy so i’m always on the couch and one of the cats will just join me and i’ll pet them while i’m looking at my phone. Our cats names all quinsidetly start with a “C”. We have Chico who is 16 in human years and is a Flame Tipped Siamese. Then we have Collin who is my cat and he is 4 in human years and is a Grey Tabby cat. Then last but not least we have Cricket who is my sisters cat and she is also 4 in human years, and she’s a black cat. now that you know our cats lets get on with some stories! So our first story is going to be about my cat -Collin-! So Collin has always been a very..interesting cat. He likes to chase his tail for some reason and play fetch. We would always joke that he’s a dog in a cat’s body. But seriously I think he is. We have these little rubbery small toys. They were called “Squinkies” like “Shopkins” by they were animals rather that food items. We have a long hall that we would throw they down and Collin would just chase it down the hall and put it in his mouth. He would bring it half way back down the hall and then he would just drop it and sit on it! Like WHY!? Yo-your going to make ME get up from the couch and get the toy just to have to do it all over again! No no no that’s not how this works. You bring it to me! All the way back! Sorry for that little rant but seriously why does he have to do that.Ok, anyways let talk about Chico. Probably one of the loudest cats you’ll ever meet! Before when I said we feed them a lot I was mainly talking about Chico. All he does is meow very loudly until we give him some tuna. When he isn’t meowing for food he’s sleeping. I know you don’t have to tell me, he’s a very active cat. That’s just something i’ve been wanting to say I don’t know why. But anyways this last story is about Cricket. So…Cricket gets very scared and when I say very I mean VERY. Once I was walking down our long hallway and I guess Cricket and I just happened to turn the corner at the same time, so I scared Cricket because she wasn’t expecting me to be there. But when I scared her she jumped up like 2 feet in the air. I know that doesn’t sound very high but for a small cat that’s high! Yeah, my cats are very interesting…Well I enjoyed writing and hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3
Lockers….the one thing that you depend on to not fail your class. In total I have had 3 locker jams, which isn’t that bad considering they were all in the beginning of the year. And guess what….my locker got jammed from my backpack each time! I personally think my locker is really clean but my backpack is just so big! When I take everything out of my backpack it doesn’t deflate…it inflates. HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?! And also just to even get to my locker I bump into so many people! People are over here like all on their knees, soldier like almost on their stomach that’s how low there crouched! And when people do that literally NO ONE sees them so everyone is tripping and sometimes people will even trip and fall over causing people to be grabbing onto lockers or even people! Or a bunch of people will get shoved around really close to their locker or other peoples locker to a point where there BREATHING on the locker! Now that’s nasty I don’t want someone I don’t know breathing on my back and/or my locker! Who knows, they could be sick! And then we’re touching our lockers and we’re always around them, and it’s just not good. But on the bright side of things, they do hold my stuff. I would probably be miserable right now if I have to always carry all of my stuff with me. Going back to the crowded lockers thing, think about it. Carrying all your stuff, all your books, your phone, folders, gym clothes, trying to squeeze past a bunch of people and not dropping anything…It would be impossible! So in conclusion after everything i’ve said i still love my locker and i’m glad to have it. Well, I enjoying writing and hope you enjoying reading! Student signing out! <3
The Best Time Of The Day!
I. Love. Lunchtime. Lunchtime is probably one of the best times. For lunchtime you technically get to get out of class. If your friends aren’t in your class, you have a chance to see them in lunch! But even though lunch is pretty good…IT’S SO LOUD! Usually I will be trying to tell my friend something like, “Hey we have a test next class,” but then with all the noise it turns into, “HeY wE hAvE a-,”,”a WhAt?”,”I sAiD a…. NeVeRmInD.” Yeah… if you need to tell your friends something don’t do it in lunch or else your point will most likely never get across. Also I don’t know if it’s just me but my friends always cut me off in the middle of my sentence and it’s very annoying! But my friends are thankfully in at least one of my classes so I can tell them. Well I hope you enjoyed reading because I enjoying writing! Student signing out. <3