
Lockers….the one thing that you depend on to not fail your class. In total I have had 3 locker jams, which isn’t that bad considering they were all in the beginning of the year. And guess what….my locker got jammed from my backpack each time! I personally think my locker is really clean but my backpack is just so big! When I take everything out of my backpack it doesn’t deflate…it inflates. HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?! And also just to even get to my locker I bump into so many people! People are over here like all on their knees, soldier like almost on their stomach that’s how low there crouched! And when people do that literally NO ONE sees them so everyone is tripping and sometimes people will even trip and fall over causing people to be grabbing onto lockers or even people! Or a bunch of people will get shoved around really close to their locker or other peoples locker to a point where there BREATHING on the locker! Now that’s nasty I don’t want someone I don’t know breathing on my back and/or my locker! Who knows, they could be sick! And then we’re touching our lockers and we’re always around them, and it’s just not good. But on the bright side of things, they do hold my stuff. I would probably be miserable right now if I have to always carry all of my stuff with me. Going back to the crowded lockers thing, think about it. Carrying all your stuff, all your books, your phone, folders, gym clothes, trying to squeeze past a bunch of people and not dropping anything…It would be impossible! So in conclusion after everything i’ve said i still love my locker and i’m glad to have it. Well, I enjoying writing and hope you enjoying reading! Student signing out! <3

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