Hi!! I really hope that we get snow tomorrow because I want no school really bad! But even if we do not get snow, spring break is less than a week away! I am really excited to have a week and a couple days off. Here’s what I like to do in my free time: Play with my dog(that’s mostly what I do), bake, and play outside when it is nice out. I also love reading about animals. Bye!!!!

Diverse Species

This is a poem that I wrote about animals called diverse species

Some animals have




And swirls.

Others have

Thick fur



And horns

Some have




And tails.

But the thing to remember is that no matter how different the color, size or shape, animals need protection, because they are decreasing at a fast rate.


Hi!! Today I’m going to blog about my dog, Vader. He is a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and the most loveable puppy ever!! His breed is called a Rhodesian Ridgeback because he has a strip of hair that goes the wrong way on his back! Ridgebacks also have a black snout and with these 2 unique characteristics you can easily tell them apart from other dog species. They are also SUPER big dogs! They usually weigh up to 100 pounds and we met on that was 140. Anyway, Vader loves being outside and he LOVES people and other dogs. His favorite toys are probably a deer antler, a squeaky red lobster and his teddy bear which he loves to sleep with.  Bye!


So my friend and me are writing a story about pangolins. Do you know what they are?? Pangolins are kind of like armadillos and most people if they see them, think they are. But pangolins are completely different. Pangolins are small creatures that curl up into a ball when they are in danger. This is why people mistake them for armadillos. They live in Asia and Africa and they are endangered. People hunt pangolins for their meat and their scale coating their body are used in some parts of the world for medecine. We have to help these creatures! They are ADORABLE!!!!


So this morning I took my dog outside to play in our backyard, and because it was SUPER windy the last few days, there was trash everywhere. It was crazy. So it’s really important that when it’s windy or there is really bad weather outside that you clean up  your trash and if you have trash outside that you pick it up. The wind blows it everywhere and animals can get caught or accidentally eat it by mistake. It’s important to keep our Earth clean!

South Korea Animals

Hello everybody!!! I have been watching the Olympics lately and I am sure lots of  other people have been too. I looked up some of South Korea’s animals and they are fascinating. The Lynx is a member of the cat family and has a very beautiful and thick coat that keeps them warm in the cold Korean habitat. These cool cats hunt for prey at night and are rare animals to see. Another animal is the Amur Leopard. This is probably the rarest  cat in the world. They are big animals and are about the size of a Tiger. They love snowy and cold habitats and their thick mountain coat keeps them warm. Both the Lynx and the Amur Leopard are endangered animals and we need to protect them.


The World Wildlife Foundation

If anyone would like to donate to help animals,, the World Wildlife Foundation is a program where you can raise money and adopt an endangered animal(they do not come to live with you though:)). Some animals that you can adopt are, a three-toed sloth, an elephant, a panda, polar bear, tiger, narwhal, and so many more!

The Ocean

I just read an article about how scientists are exploring oceans all around the world to make sure that certain chemicals people use are not harming the whales or other sea life. It is important to make sure that if we use chemicals that it does not rain or storm before you use them because, the chemicals wash down a storm drain and get into oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water. These chemicals can have an impact on the animals and the environment that they live in.

The Puppy Bowl



Did anybody watch the puppy bowl? I did! I always want to adopt every single puppy and animal in the puppy bowl but we just got a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Vader, so he is my pet right now!! He is the cutest puppy.So anyway,if any of you have adopted an animal from there, you made a great choice!! The puppy bowl is a great idea, because so many puppies,dogs, and other pets, end up in a shelter and need a loving home. It’s important that we help donate and give these animals a good home!                

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