South Korea Animals

Hello everybody!!! I have been watching the Olympics lately and I am sure lots of  other people have been too. I looked up some of South Korea’s animals and they are fascinating. The Lynx is a member of the cat family and has a very beautiful and thick coat that keeps them warm in the cold Korean habitat. These cool cats hunt for prey at night and are rare animals to see. Another animal is the Amur Leopard. This is probably the rarest  cat in the world. They are big animals and are about the size of a Tiger. They love snowy and cold habitats and their thick mountain coat keeps them warm. Both the Lynx and the Amur Leopard are endangered animals and we need to protect them.


The World Wildlife Foundation

If anyone would like to donate to help animals,, the World Wildlife Foundation is a program where you can raise money and adopt an endangered animal(they do not come to live with you though:)). Some animals that you can adopt are, a three-toed sloth, an elephant, a panda, polar bear, tiger, narwhal, and so many more!

The Ocean

I just read an article about how scientists are exploring oceans all around the world to make sure that certain chemicals people use are not harming the whales or other sea life. It is important to make sure that if we use chemicals that it does not rain or storm before you use them because, the chemicals wash down a storm drain and get into oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water. These chemicals can have an impact on the animals and the environment that they live in.

The Puppy Bowl



Did anybody watch the puppy bowl? I did! I always want to adopt every single puppy and animal in the puppy bowl but we just got a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Vader, so he is my pet right now!! He is the cutest puppy.So anyway,if any of you have adopted an animal from there, you made a great choice!! The puppy bowl is a great idea, because so many puppies,dogs, and other pets, end up in a shelter and need a loving home. It’s important that we help donate and give these animals a good home!                

Welcome To My Blog

The future will either be green or not at all”-Bob Brown


The human world is centered around a lot of things. Technology,being famous and popular, politics and much, much more. But do people care about animals,nature and the environment as much as these things? Scientists know that 1.9 million animals,and trillions more,are extinct.Gone.Forever. No one will ever get to see the elegance of a Tasmanian tiger,the beauty of a West African black rhino, or the color of the Baiji white dolphin and the endless number of the other animals that are never returning to Earth. And it’s all our fault. So now we have to protect the endangered animals, such as the Amur leopard, the panda, Bornean orangutan, the Pika, black footed ferret and the Pangolin, and so many more. So this is what my blog is about! Protecting, raising awareness, and saving all of these creatures. They need our help. What are you going to do?                       

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