
I am so happy that today is Friday!!!! Friday and Saturday are probably my favorite days in the week. Last Wednesday, we took Vader to his first training class and it was a lot of fun, except there was this chihuahua that was barking a ton next to him and he was driving Vader crazy!!! Here is a poem I wrote about Vader:


The big question

So the main question that I want to ask in this blog is how are you going to help endangered animals? If you have any ideas to share, feel free to comment below.

Hello! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a couple weeks, but anyways, the main purpose of my blog in the beginning was to help raise awareness for endangered animals, and they really need help from us, which is why I named my blog an Ocean of Possibility, which is supposed to mean that there is a whole world of animals that need saving and it’s our job to help them, so we can see the beauty of these animals in the future(and also I chose that name because I love to swim and my parents literally have to drag me out of the ocean when we go to the beach)

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