
I am so happy that it’s Friday!!!!!! Yay!!! Today is one of my best friends birthdays  too. I’m not really sure what we’re doing  this weekend but sometimes those are the best kinds of weekends. Here is the poem that I wrote for this week. It’s called the Lazy Caterpillar.


The Lazy Caterpillar

There once was a caterpillar named Tog, and all he liked to do was lay on his log. Then one day he ate, a big leaf as his bait and then his stomach got in a big clog.


I close my eyes.

And take a breath.

The water rises above my chest.

The waves flow and ripple in the light, as I go underwater and lose the lands sight.

I gracefully start to dive down, my ears don’t pick up a single sound.

Below the ocean surface it beautiful and bright, as I rise to the surface with all my might.

When I reach the top, I see the beach once more, but still I’m picturing the ocean in all of its galore.

Poem: Midnight show

Gazing up at the midnight sky, the stars come alive. They dance gracefully, showing off their beauty. Then suddenly the moon appears. He shines a silky smoothe spotlight on the performers. A shooting star leaps by, stealing the show. But then it gets lighter. The moon and stars vanish behind the black stage curtain, as dusk arrives, now the main character.

Spring Break!!!

I had a really fun spring break!! My baby cousin was born on Monday and he is my first first cousin! I also played with our puppy a lot during break. We also went to a cherry blossom art house, which was super cool. We did a lot of fun small fun things. I had an awesome break!!!

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